Chapter 417: Cui Xie’s Anger & Gao family’s Situation

Without losing time, Cui Xie immediately did as he was told, as he personally explained everything that happened to the 5 people of interest.

It was unnecessary to mention that the person who was the angriest about this whole matter was Gao Jixie himself, as he couldn't believe just what a 'good son' he had raised.

He was trying to lay low, and use Weng Hao to deal with the whole matter, but that bastard of his had to go and mess things up.

He felt the need to go to the hospital and give that son of his, a good beating, even if he was on his deathbed.

Still, at the end of the day, he was his son, and he couldn't actually hurt him, so he had no other choice but to go and have a look at him.


On the other hand, the trio representing the government, military, and police were even more furious with the situation as they couldn't believe something like that had happened.