Chapter 418: Explanation

The words and information that Gao Jixie told the mother-son due seemed to have surprised and shocked both of them, as they were speechless for a few moments.

But soon enough the mother quickly recomposed herself, as she started screaming once again,

"I don't care how much power, or strength he has now! That lowlife, that piece of trash harmed my son, and he has to suffer the consequences.

Even if he is the Emperor he has to suffer for touching my son! If you are unable to do anything to him, then I will just return back to my family, and let them take care of it!"

The poor Gao Jixie seemed to be stuck between a rock and a hard place. No matter which side he picked he was bound to suffer.

The only way out of this situation without trouble for him was stealing the formulae from Cui Xie and then making sure that he suffered the consequences of his actions.