Chapter 444: Crashing upon an Iron Plate

Eric was totally shocked hearing those words so suddenly, but more than that he was shocked because he was unable to sense anyone else at the moment he heard those words.

It felt like those words were truly coming from nowhere and no one and yet sound that clear and loud for him.

This could mean only one thing! This opponent was much stronger than him, and he would most probably be unable to fight against him.

As if to confirm his thoughts, he suddenly felt a strong palm land on the 11th rib of his left side, and he was sent flying towards the wall opposite him.

Trying his best to change direction mid-air by using Dragon Force on the wall itself, he managed to make a rough but safe crash, as he immediately stood on his knees checking the surroundings.

Since everything had gone so smoothly until now, since he had been able to easily bring down every opponent that had appeared in front of him until now, it had made him quite confident on himself.