Chapter 445: Player and Plaything

Too bad that the rat didn't have any intention of dying though, as Eric quickly covered his vitals with Dragon Force, and just waited for the kick.

'Booommmmm…, Booommmmm~!'

This time, the foot didn't land on Eric's face, despite the fact that it was much stronger than the previous one.

In fact that wasn't even the weirdest part about this situation, as not only didn't Young Master Cui Tao's foot squash Eric's head to the wall behind him, but it even made him fly in a totally different direction.

It actually made Eric fly on the side, and go crashing on the door, and right after that on the door opposite the one he came from.

It was impossible for Young Master Cui Tao to understand just what had happened, as he looked towards Eric's direction with shock and wonder under his stealth.