Chapter 446: Plan Failure

The scene that was revealed in front of his eyes was much different from what he expected to find though, as there was no sign of his plaything, and three unwanted characters had appeared.

To be more specific in front of him were the Director of Police, Master Huo Tie, and last but not least the Mayor.

Each of the trio should have been on their iron table beds chained and covered in wounds, and blood, and not standing in front of him with some weird and complicated expressions on their faces.

It didn't make sense! How was it possible that they were able to stand in the first place. He clearly remembered to have checked them earlier as they had fainted from the torture and pain.

As if that wasn't enough, the three of them turned to look at him, as if they were able to see him, as Master Huo Tie said,

"I don't know how we are able to stand here like this, and who exactly are you, but let me ask you this.