Chapter 467: Staring Contest

The matter today had gone completely out of their expectations, and imaginations, as their detailed and carefully sketched plan had been totally thwarted by some young Cook.

The person feeling the worst was most probably Gao Ruo who had thought that young Chef Chen was just a little naïve and innocent toy in her hands, that she could use as she wished.

Right now she was pissed off, how could this bastard have played so well, and even taken advantage of her like that, and then spoil everything.

She was angry, she wanted to teach him a lesson that he would never forget, but all of a sudden he had become an existence that she couldn't touch.

Even a genius doctor, like Doctor Huang, was unable to cause him harm without a motive right now, so how would she be able to do something like that.

It was even beyond impossible, but the rage and anger in her heart had to be released one day, as she swore to make him regret to ever play with her feelings.