Chapter 468: New Turn of Events

The skills of Doctor Huang in processing and dealing with the herbs seemed to be so elegant, and exquisite like watching a Master Chef cook a delicious meal.

On the other hand, young Chef Chen's, or Eric's movements were like seeing a crude and brute man chopping vegetables with a machete.

Way different from each other!

This situation made Doctor Huang extremely pleased with himself as he thought that a country bumpkin was only at this level, it should have been a coincidence that he found the antidote to the poison.

He wasn't the only one to think like that, as the majority of the crowd around them seemed to be thinking the same. Eric seemed to have no chance against Doctor Huang.

At this moment, a commotion started from behind the crowd as some new faces appeared at the venue, amidst them the most familiar was Li Yao, and Cui Xie, while Colonel Cao was beside Li Yao.