Chapter 503: Greed & Shamelessness

They didn't really give a shit about Monk Tao's reputation, story, or background. All they cared about was that he was an opportunity to track Eric, an opportunity that they couldn't afford to pass out.

As for the poor bastard who got pulled into this ordeal, well it was his own bad luck and idiocy that brought him there. None of them was responsible for that.

In fact, if anything it was a good spectacle to witness as it felt like some sort of real-life drama. But for sure they wouldn't want that slight drama to affect their biggest goal.

A goal, a target that was worth more than 500 million dollars was for sure something that they couldn't afford to lose no matter what.

For that reason, every single expert's and fighter's eyes at the moment that Mont Tao was leaving was full of icy cold anger and rage towards that Boss guy.