Chapter 504: Everchanging Situation

Not risking to move even an instant Monk Tao, Tegen, and all the experts in there that believed in Monk Tao run after the golden eyeball, that included Eric as well.

Looking at the direction that the golden ball was swimming towards, Eric found out that the golden ball was actually running towards his earlier direction.

This golden eyeball artifact didn't look like a cheat object anymore, quite on the contrary it made Eric feel curious about it and wish to have it.

After all, such a good treasure shouldn't be left in the hands of idiots who have no idea how to use them, it would just be too much of a sacrilege.

While this Monk Tao didn't seem much like a waste, he was surely not going to live long considering his greedy character and thoughts.

He had already made a terrible enemy on that poor boss guy, and it wouldn't take long for the number to increase.