Chapter 524: Li Family’s Patriarch

Li Yao clearly didn't like what she heard, as she felt like Eric was being too much. How could she stay in the same place as that traitorous sl*ut!?

Even though Madam Li was her big sister and probably she wouldn't be able to kill her, at least she wanted her to disappear from her life.

But she felt that it would be impossible for her to gain an upper hand with screams and arrogance, so she decided to use the women's strongest power, her tears, and delicacy,

"Ho-How could you treat me like this!? I gave you everything, everything of mine just the other night, and you still treat me so heartlessly! Uwah~!"

For a moment it looked like she was truly going to cry, and that expression of hers would be enough to soften even a barbarian's heart unfortunately, her opponent was Eric.

"Hahahaaha~! I have to say, now I understand a bit more about your Li Family and your shamelessness! Do you think that I will fall to your knees now that you said that!?