Chapter 525: Assassination Attempt!


A loud and powerful scream startled the whole Li Family Mansion, as all the guards and experts run in the direction of the noise to understand what the hell was going on.

Upon arrival, everyone was shocked to see Young Master Gao covered in a sheet, while there was a bit stain of blood on the top of it.

The stain of blood was right over his private region which made a lot of people not know what to make and think of the current situation.

"Assassin~! Assassin~! That cat is an Assassin~!"

Just as everyone thought that this situation couldn't get any weirder they heard Young Master Gao cry the word 'assassin' and then even claim the cat to be an assassin.

Hearing that everyone turned their attention toward the cat inside the room, who was calmly licking its paws and fur.