Chapter 638: Honey Trap

The moment that he stepped foot inside, Eric couldn't help but get a bit surprised and startled by the scene in front of him.

Young Miss Long, the beauty that had been unable to even look properly into his eyes a few moments ago was now looking at him right in the eyes with some expectant and seductive eyes.

Of course, her eyes weren't the only thing that made this whole situation a bit overwhelming, as her outfit, and her body language were different as well.

It was just like the weather had suddenly changed from a tempest to a hot summer day, with the sun capable of melting and burning everything on its way.

The change was truly a bit too much and too heavy. But Eric was able to quickly recollect and recompose himself as his momentary lapse was immediately covered by a rude lusty expression.

It looked like even Eric had his momentary lapses, but at the same time, this was also a necessity for his current situation.