Chapter 715: Proving Identity

Without caring about the surroundings, or the people inside the Three Thrones room, Eric walked towards his mother and said in a quite authoritative voice,


"Mother, don't you think that you are sitting in my place!?"


Those words came as a surprise to everyone in there, making them feel like their Young Master had lost his mind.


In fact, they were kind of used with Eric being an arrogant and pretentious pri*ck, but he had always been afraid and subservient to his 'mother' and 'father'.


Of course, many of these guys didn't know of their Young Master's real origin, as they didn't have the right or authority to know, and this made the situation spicier.


On the other hand, the beautiful Goddess just looked at her son with a surprise on her eyes, before actually standing up and making way for her son.