Chapter 752: Meeting the Adversaries


There was no way that Eric was going to let go of the opportunity to meet and greet his adversaries, so he just spent another month in the Assassin's Tower before he set out.


This time the only people accompanying him were the Young Prince, Patriarch Sword, Patriarch Knife, and the Queen's Head Maid.


Not knowing what to exactly expect from his opponents, Eric decided to play it safe.


While he wasn't afraid of them and what they could do, he wasn't going to think that he was invincible in this world.


One had to remember that all these bastards actually had the backing of those Outer World sects so each and every one of them was bound to have a few trump cards.


Eric had no intention of having his beauties die just because some bastards didn't know what was good for them, and had some strange obsessions.