Chapter 753: Showing Prowess


There was suddenly a deadly silence in the room, as all those present were looking in total bewilder towards the Young Venerate's direction.


There were good reasons why they dared to be so arrogant and overboard in this summer Villa of Assassin's Tower, and made them to not put it in their eyes.


While Assassin's Tower was actually backed from an Outer World Sect, they were too stupid to appreciate stability and the Queen had taken over at great expense.


There was bound to be internal unrest in the Assassin's Tower at the moment, especially with the old Leaders still being alive and imprisoned.


The previous Assassin's Tower while still being a mole in their eyes, as they deemed it evil and dark, at least it had their respect, so they wouldn't dare to act like this.


The current one though, forget about their respect, it didn't even deserve their mockery.