WebNovelWho AM I63.64%

More Then Just a Pretty Face

( Violet pov)

The ship started to fire its cannons at the boy's ship and all I could do was watch as they ganged up on the defenseless ship. (kidding) their ship rammed into the closest ship they could find and started to board it. Even from where I was standing I could hear the screams of pain as the boy's friends killed everyone in sight. A few moments later all the other ships started to attack their allied ship. Killing their own people to get to them? The group jumped ship again and continued in this order until only one ship was left. It looked like the captain of that ship stepped out to face that scary boy.

The man fought against the boy bravely, until the boy gave him an uppercut and a bullet to the chest. As the man lay there helpless, the devil child walked over ready to deal the finishing blow. That's when the man gave the child a smug grin and brought out a switch from his pocket. He clicked it and suddenly a cloud of purple smoke covered the boy and his crew. The boy and his friends were down on their knees. It looked like that smoke was some kind of poison.

The man called out to the rest of his crew as they began to kick and punch the now helpless men. And the boy was getting the worst of it as the kicks turned to punches and the punches turned to blade stabs.

Violet looked on as the boy she was so terrified of lied bloody on the floor.

Why? Why does he still have that look? Why doesn't he give Up? I can't watch this I have to help. But I'm still afraid. I'm afraid of him. What if he tries to kill me again?

As my mind is clouded with thoughts of fear the boy gets a sword to the gut and that was it. NOW I'm PISSED. MORE THEN ANYTHING I HATE THOSE WHO PICK ON THE FALLEN. Rage begins to bowl my blood and before I even knew it I'm running to help the boy that tried to kill me.

Even though I have no memory of who I am, the few things I still remember are my name, how to fight, and my special abilities. I jump in the air in out my lower back springs four long extra limbs (something like Tokyo Ghoul that comes together and forms wings that fly me to the ship.

The captain continues to stab the boy when I swoop in kicking him in the face and grabbing the boy taking him to his friends. He looks at me in shock and then his face quickly turns into anger. He tries to hit me and I dodge. He starts screaming something to me while still trying to hit me and I try to avoid his punches. Suddenly I feel a sharp pain in my side and I realize I forgot all about the captain of the ship. He pulls out his sword and throws me onto the boy. We both fall to the floor struggling to get back up. After we both get up to fight the boy tries to fight both the captain and me, I'm trying to fight the captain and dodge the psycho boy, and the captain is the winner by beating the crap out of both of us. After some time of getting our asses kicked we look at each other and agree to put our fight on hold ( even though he was the only one fighting) and focus on the jackass trying to kill us. The boy starts to shoot and I take to the skies. I swoop down and kick the guy in the gut and the boy punches him in the face. The man swings his sword to cut me and the boy grabs his sword to keep it from hitting me. As I see blood run down the boy's hand I start to tremble with rage. I use one of my four extra limbs to pierce the man in his gut. He throws up blood and moments later he falls to the ground lifeless.

I quickly run over to the boy to check his fingers and make sure they're all there and they are. I fall to the floor holding his bloody hand. He got hurt because of me and I start to cry. He panics and pulls his hand away to talk to that other man I saw him talk to earlier. He comes over arguing with the boy.

(Erren Pov)

"Dammit, Jaks just do it."

"Why me!"

"Because I'm tired and pissed off and if you don't I'll kill you like limp-y on the floor over there."

"You didn't kill him. The brat did."

"Excuse me."

(Violet pov)

I look up and see the sandy-haired male stand over me. He makes a funny face where his eyes are crossed his tongue is out to the side and his hands are in the air. I start laughing rolling on the floor.

Tears start to run down my eyes and I start to cough hard and heaving for air.

(Jaks pov)

"What is she a child? How long is she going to keep laughing and OMG! she just rolled off the ship. WHAT DO WE DO!?"

"She can fly remember."

" ...Right..... you two will be the death of me."

"Not just me"