Mud Daemon

'DIS please display the mutant's I've fought stats.' "'Certainly.'"

{Old Rotter. Stats}

Health: 150

Attack: 40

Speed: 38

Regeneration: 70


{Virogen Status}

Health: 200

Attack: 40

Speed: 100

Regeneration: 90


{Executioner status}

Health: 400

Attack: 100

Speed: 200

Regeneration: 200


Dr.Setrovich what is it you wanted? To kill everyone? No, you don't seem that crazy. The problem is, why then? I guess I'll find out when I find you. 'Now, DIS what does the Ultra Interface do?' "'It allows for all mission objectives and enemies to be marked on the map.'" Good, now to head to the surface and kill whatever is up there.

Rrrraaawwwrrr!!! "'Decimator! it is a super mutant!! Kill it quickly, otherwise more mutants from the surroundings will flood in!'" 'Understood DIS!' "Come on you overgrown scorpion-cat!! Just because you're big don't mean I can't kill you!!" You were human once, and if you were human you can die.

"'Duck!!'" Swoosh! 'Thanks, DIS!' Aim for the leg. Shlicck! Success! "Rrowr!!" Roll! Hack at the base. Right over my head again! I'm barely faster than it. Hack! Slash! Shoomp! There goes its tail! "'But it still has claws and a head.'" 'I kno…roll!' Chomp!! "Arrgghh!! You stupid oversized-house cat! If you want my arm so badly then have it!" Mud Daemon has been slain. Unique quest completed. 'DIS, show what its status was first, then show me the quest,' "'Understood.'"

{Mud Daemon}

Health: 700

Attack: 20

Speed: 224

Regeneration: 200


'Hold on to the quest and my status. I need to kill the virogens and executioners before they surround me.' Crunch!! Crrraacckkk! Slassshh! Shinnnggg! You leveled up!

{Zero/Decimator's Status}

Lv. 14 Mutants killed:590 Super Mutants killed:1

Exp. to next Lv.: 491,520

Health: 780

Attack: 195

Speed: 239

Regeneration: 289


{Unique Quest}

Slay the Mud Daemon

Danger Level: 5

Reward: Skill-Toxin= grade S, Skill- Immunity to Toxins= grade S


So now I can imbue a toxin into my attacks? Good, but what's better is I am now immune to all toxins. 'DIS show me the main quest.' "'Right away.'"

{Main Quest}

5/7 Clear all floors and surrounding half-mile of mutants
