Lily's in danger! I should have cleared the sixth floor first! Stupid me, stupid, stupid me!… The fifth floor is so empty. "'It's because there is only a single enemy on the floor. Most likely it is a super mutant, but I cannot be sure until you get closer.'" 'Understood DIS.' Super mutant detected; displaying status.
{Dr. Setrovich Mutated}
Health: 1400
Attack: 180
Speed: 1
Regeneration: 300
"Setrovich!!! Where is Lily?!!" His eyes have intelligence in them but are blank as the sky at the same time. "Ah, Zero welcome home, Liliana is just getting ready, why don't we sit and…." "Where is she!!!" Why, why, why?!! God please, please let her be alright! "Now, Zero…," "If you won't tell me, then die!!!"
Bas#*#d! "Die!!" "Zero why don't we just…." Tentacle-arm first. Slash! "Zero. If you calm down, we can…. Left-arm next. "I don't want to talk Setrovich. I want to know where Lily is?" "Zero…," "I said where is Lily?!!" "Listen to me." Maybe he realizes the severity now. "She will be ready…," "Arrrgh! I said tell me where?!!"
"Zero…," "I said die!!!" Shiillummp! Unique quest… "I don't care!!!" 'DIS show me where Lily is now!' "'Yes, sir.'" Sixth floor? Why is she in the reactor room? Never mind, I'll find out when I talk to her. Lily, I'm coming, and I'm sorry, so, so sorry…. You have…,'I don't care DIS.'
Down to the sixth floor, then. Lily, I'm coming… I'm coming baby, just hold on. "'Decimator there are several mutants ahead, all of them executioners.'" 'They get in my way, they die.' Swoosh, one down nine more to go. Slash, eight more to go. Ching, slummmp, seven… crack! Six more to go. Crunch! Five more to go. Bang! Boom! Slice! Four more…three more…two more…one more….
There she is. She's the only mark left on my map. Why is the door so hard to open? "Lily? Are you okay? Baby, I'm here." "Zero?! Stay away, leave, run, something. I don't want you to see me like this." "Lily, I can see you. I don't care how you look; you know that. What happened?" "The glass had the tiniest crack in it, and I fell against it. I didn't know a virogen had flicked there, and I… I… so I became infected." "Lily, I'm coming over…," "Don't!" Woah.
Baby, I'm sorry I should have been there. "Lily, you're still beautiful you know?" "Zero, please don't lie to me. I know how I look" Why are you looking away? "Zero kill me." "Lily, I won'…." "Please Zero, end me, I can't live this way, I can feel my mind changing into one of them." "Lily I won't. I can…," "find a way? Hah, sniff, ha, snort, hah, snuffle, Zero." No not more tears. "We looked for how many years and couldn't find a cure, how could you? Please? I just want to leave this world in my lover's arms. Please, Zero?" But Lily…, "Okay. I will do as you wish."
"Thank you Zero for at least being willing to do this for me." Why God, why?! Is my life, being unable to be normal not enough?! "And Zero?" "Yes?" I get to see her beautiful smile once again as she lays in my arms, for the last time. "I love you." "I… love you too." Super mutant detected…. I'm sorry Lily, so sorry that I left you. "'Decimator….'" 'Shut up DIS!!' I am sorry, but I will do as you wish. Toxin activated. Shump! Unique…. "Liiilllliiiaaannnnnaaaa!!!!!" "I hate you; I hate you, I f*#*ing hate you!!! God?! You are no 'God'!!!" "'Decimator you know …,'" "I know what?! Tell me what I know, DIS!!! He is not God if he allows this to happen if he allows my only love, to die." I can't go on alone, I just can't. I don't understand why, 'God,' would allow her to die like this. "To die for nothing…!!!"
It's been thirty years, and all I have learned is, if God is actually real, as DIS says, he hates us, not loves. In this world, there is only survival and hate, no love. If you live, you are the king. if you die, well, no one will remember or ever know.