Summer Romance

They say that love is something that never lasts, and in most cases people are correct about that. However, my love almost lasted. Then again, they don't hand out awards for "almost". If they did it often enough though, some people would probably be more emotionally stable. Who knows? Either way, I'm here today to tell you about a personal journey with love. And how it sent me into some good times and some equally bad times.

It all started with a simple "summer romance", which to most people sounds really cheesy. But its to give you an idea of the magic I felt, and will now and forever always be the best time of my life. For the sake of the obvious, I will be changing names throughout the story to hide peoples identities. For instance, anyone reading can call me Wolfie. It was a nickname given to me by my now ex. I will therefore be referring to her as Pyra, a nickname I gave her in our relationship. As an emo, the world is already hard enough to live in. But add in a lifetimes worth of mental issues, emotional struggle, and bad luck in romance.

It definitely makes the world a whole lot harder to endure and live in. However, Pyra made everything bearable. She made everything so much more worth it in the end. Even being without friends was no problem, she was the one thing/person who truly made a difference in my life. She was only my second girlfriend ever, but after some time. I knew she was the right one for me. Pyra and I knew each other since our sophomore year in high school. Now that was a crazy time, after being out of high school for a while. We eventually got in contact and started talking again, one day we went to the movies together and eventually. We went and got food after our movie, and we started talking and reminiscing about the past. Eventually, we ended up admitting to each other that we both had a crush on each other at one point in high school. To be honest, things were a little awkward after that exchange.

However, we ended up going on our first date the very next day. And it was at the very same movie theater too, we even shared our first kiss together that day as well. It was a magical day for me that I'll never forget. Throughout the summer, we went on a few dates and eventually became officially boyfriend and girlfriend. By the end of summer, we had gotten closer to each other than we ever were. College eventually started up, and we attended the same college together. With her push and motivation I got back into the swing of being in school. It wasn't easy, but I survived in the end. And all I could do, was look back on the fond memories of our sweet summer romance together with happiness.