College time

College is an interesting time in a persons life, it exposes you to a lot of new things. It felt like taking a complete 180, but in a good way. At least, at first it was. In the beginning, it was just me and Pyra. But that soon evolved into much much more.

   It started with me, Pyra, sarlos, and Lea. And for a while, it was amazing. I had a girlfriend, and great friends. My life finally felt perfect, however. Along the way, we met lobby. He was a really cool black dude who was super tall. Honestly, I wasn't sure about him at first. But eventually, I would learn that he was like the brother I never had. Then there was birdo, he was a really smart guy.

   He knew a lot of stuff and always made things interesting, although. He was overly blunt at times and wasn't the best at giving emotional support. Then there was banner, he was this really cool mixed guy who was also like a brother to me. Later on though, he ended up putting my friends in a crazy situation. I'll expand on that later. Oh, and we also had vanny and jeffy. Vanny was okay at first, but eventually he evolved into the resident troll.

   Jeffy was this older guy that was kinda fluffy and had a thing for Oakley sunglasses. But he was a super chill dude, and usually tried to give people guidance. To be honest though, he had a little problem with bragging a bit. But he was still cool to me.

   There are many others, but for now. I wanna focus on the ones that had some pretty big impacts. Plus, I wanna explain things in a organized fashion if I can. Classes were tough to handle, and so was meeting new people. But with Pyra by my side, there wasn't anything I couldn't handle. And a lot of people could say the same about her. Basically, we both depended on each other.

   Some people would say that that might have been a bad thing. But to be honest, that didn't matter to us. We really cared about each other, plus. There were times when I wanted to give up on school, but she pushed me to keep going. On top of school, I also had a part time job that I eventually quit. After that, me and Pyra got a job together at a haunted house when it got close to the Halloween season. It was during this time when things truly began to get out of control.