Halloween Job

After getting settled into school, things were going pretty well. Pyra and I started working together at 13 Rooms, a well known haunted house downtown. It was a little challenging but overall fun, however. During our time there, a few things occurred. Firstly, Pyra decided to take off work one day so that she could attend a convention that was going on at the time. I still went to work like usual but I was fine with that. I made sure to message her and check to see if she was okay, and that's when things spiraled out of control.

   She started panicking and almost lost it, and I was greatly concerned for her safety. I tried my best to calm her down and help her as much as could. In the end though, in the heat of the moment and all that was going on. She ended up breaking up with me, because she thought she wasn't good enough for me. And honestly, the whole situation caused me to break down in tears. So, I ended up going home early cause of how distraught I was. It was super heart breaking, but luckily me and her worked things out and we got back together. In the end, we ended up quitting from 14 Rooms half way through the season. Since the stress was not only getting to us, but it also was having an effect on our school work.

   It kinda stunk to give up such a cool job, but our school work always came first. Either way, what mattered most was that we had each other to keep us going in the end. Honestly, I was just lucky that I managed to salvage the relationship at the time. I wasn't sure what I would've done otherwise. Little did I know that this would prove to be some very ironic foreshadowing. Cause what happened next is something I definitely wasn't expecting.