Thankless Thanksgiving

Once Halloween time was over and thanksgiving started approaching, I was left jobless. It was difficult and I greatly needed money, but Pyra's mom thankfully tried to help me get a job at bulls eye(a store popular with people who have money). Anyway, that didn't workout too well. I got interviewed but never got hired. That wasn't the problem though, the problem was that after everything that happened during the Halloween. I started to do a lot of thinking and it was honestly a tough decision at the time. And looking back on it now, it was the absolute worst decision of my entire life.

   In early November, I ended up breaking things off with Pyra once and for all. And it was a HUGE mistake, big time. Of course, I didn't fully realize this until it was way too late. And ultimately was my biggest regret despite what I told myself at the time. At the time, I told myself that it was time to break things off because I didn't want things to be worse down the road. I told myself that it was for the sake of us both and to protect us from an even worse breakup in the future. But, the truth is....I was scared. After Pyra's panic during Halloween, I started to have doubts about whether I could handle and deal with all this. I was worried about snapping and making things worse than they had become.

   And I tried to justify it as protection, but regretted it in the end and made myself look like an ass. Either way, it was tough time. She meant alot to me and she does till this day. Heck, we gave our first times to each other. So she definitely was important to me, and after going our separate ways. It set in motion a great series of unfortunate events.