The Spiraling Abyss

After the breakup, things honestly didn't go so well for me. I really hit a low point in my life after everything went down. At first it was alright, there was winter formal at school and a good friend of mine went with me. So luckily I didn't have to worry about being alone, plus we were both stoned out of our minds and had an amazing time. At the end of the night, she even kissed me and once she got home. She proceeded to give me the greatest compliment i had ever gotten in my entire life. So, needless to say. I felt pretty damn good after that one night.

   Unfortunately, she ended up getting a boyfriend soon after this. But, oddly enough. I found myself in a new relationship after that too. However, just like the first relationship I ever had. This relationship ended up being really really bad. At first I didn't really want to get into it, but my friends decided to push me into it. And honestly, it's not entirely their fault. I should've listened to my gut like I thought in the beginning, but honestly. I was just desperate to have something at the time. And that ended up being my downfall, it was alright at first. We had some "special fun" almost everyday and we were together for about a month. Until she started telling lies and even treated my friends like shit behind my back.

   And after much deliberation, I broke up with her shortly after the new year. Things from there started to really fall flat, I started to sink into a really bad depression. Much worse than my normal depression, and I started smoking cigarettes and Mary j. And anytime my friends threw a party, I would always be the first one drunk so that I could get rid of the pain of losing pyra. It was truly a dark time for me and I nearly became an alcoholic. But this was just the tip of the iceberg.

   Me and my friends had a lot of  drama we had to deal with, remember how I mentioned a friend named banner in the beginning? Well, at first I thought he was an awesome dude and he was like a brother to me. But, later on he ended up attempting to shoot my friends over some stupid stuff that was HIS fault. However, he went crazy and tried to blame everyone else for his lack of intelligence. Luckily, lobby managed to protect them and got them away before any shots could be fired. On top of this though, two of banner's Ex's tried to get close with my friends and ended up spreading lies, being fake, and causing problems for everyone. And the story doesn't even end there, this is just what happened during the spring semester.