New Year Woes

   After the funerals and after taking some time to pull myself together, I wasn't sure what to expect from the new school year. It was crazy at first, but in the end I managed and got back into the college routine again. Little did I know that things were gonna change very drastically. After the first two or three weeks of the new semester, everyone seemed to be doing okay and keeping themselves on track. But that's when things started to go very very wrong, sorta. You see, last semester towards the end. I introduced a good friend of mine from high school, to the group that I had built at college. Her name is haven, and at first things were okay. But when the new semester started, after some time. Her and jeffy started to get close, which I found kinda odd at first cause I thought jeffy and chelly were a thing. Cause as far as I knew, jeffy and chelly were talking and had gotten pretty close.

   As it turns out though, haven and jeffy ended up together and things kinda changed. And I had actually liked chelly for a while and spent so much time hiding it that it was practically killing me on the inside. So when jeffy and haven got together, I saw it as my chance to maybe at least tell chelly how I feel. I wasn't expecting any big changes, but after all this time I felt that she deserved to know how I really felt. And it actually turned out well at first, for the first time in my life I thought I truly had a chance at happiness again. However, things didn't go well the following week. During the weekend, my friend lobby let me know about some drama that went down after I left the school with chelly. And honestly, it was difficult at first but luckily it all turned out to be a misunderstanding that I managed to straighten out. But that wasn't the only thing, eventually I just ended up blowing it. Me and chelly had never made anything official after our initial talk. And despite all that, I still jumped to conclusions and caused a rift between us because of my stupidity. Thankfully, were pretty okay now. We don't really talk much anymore, but on a certain level were cool at least. And honestly, it's better than nothing.

   After all this and my major mess up, some more drama followed soon after.