The Awakenining

I won't lie, my life as a whole has been overall okay. But there are many moments that I wish I could go back and change. Hell, if I had the chance to give my younger self the knowledge I have now. I guarantee that my life would've be a thousand times better. But these days, I try not to think about it. Cause I don't wanna live a life where I spend my time regretting everything. Because thankfully, that's just not the kind of person I am anymore.

    Let me ask you something, do you think it's better to get to know someone and understand their flaws? Or would you rather write them off and throw them away as soon as you saw their flaws? If you picked the second question, then fuck off because your clearly going to hell someday for being a fake bitch. However, if you chose the first question. Then I commend you on being a real one, keep up the awesome work. The reason I ask this question is because up until this point, I was only creating this story as a way to vent my feelings about a breakup I went through.

    But now, it's become a whole different thing. The fact is, this was originally supposed to be perceived as a work of fiction. Nothing more than a made up story that was to be spread across the vast ether and made a part of history as just a story. Although, much has changed since then. So it's about time I let you in on the truth, you see. Everything that happened in this story was in fact 100% real.

    This was all true stories from me, the author currently typing this out. Like I said before, this was originally supposed to be just a way for me to get my feelings out and blow off steam. Especially after everything I had experienced in the last two years. But things change, and it's time I spread the truth and tell y'all the real story I wanna share. The fact is, all the people mentioned in this story so far are in fact real. But I changed their names to keep their identities safe.

    I still plan to do that, except for one person in particular. The fact is, I thought most of the drama and misery I felt in the past two years was just bad luck. As it turns out, all the drama I unfortunately delt with was actually one person's fault. And at the end, I will reveal who he is and expose him for the monster he really is. So take a seat and grab your snacks, your in for one helluva story.