The Second Prince

A big hall with people dancing to soft music. The night sky filled with fireworks.

Three people on a balcony. Fell silent and stared at each other. A blonde-haired man walked towards a man in front of him who had black hair and put his hands on his shoulders, then whispered.

"Good luck, Prince Erwin De Estefan."

The Crown Prince finally left us and I couldn't look at Erwin. It's been a long time since I saw him. He hasn't changed. Still the same as before, did he remember that incident? What should I say at a time like this?

"Miss Lawrence?"


Erwin stretched out his hand. "Will you be my debutante partner?"

His speaking style and the way he doing that. It always amazes me with the past. I can't pay attention to my behavior in front of it. He was right, once again I am very grateful.

"With pleasure."

The sound of the music begins. Adeline and Erwin danced in the middle of the hall beautifully. Everyone is watching them. Adeline continued to stare at Erwin with a warm smile. She was happy to see him again.

"Thank you, Miss Adeline. Next time, how about we have tea together?"

"With pleasure, Your Highness." 

Erwin kiss my hand and leaves me. It seems he doesn't remember what happened in the past. I'm a little disappointed, but I'm going to change his destiny and everyone.

The debutante banquet went very smoothly. Adeline becomes a new flower in the aristocracy. Adeline presence and the the news of the crown Prince fiancé candidate made headlines among the noble.

I saw my mother who was talking to the nobles. Judging from the happy look on her face. She must be showing off her child. Mother must be happy and so is Father.

As Adeline looked around. She saw a glass of wine and drank it. Around Adeline, she felt like people were talking about her being the Crown Princess. They whispered, stared at her constantly.

Stupid people. don't they have any other topics to talk about? Talking about things that are not important. It's a waste of precious time.

The Emperor and Crown Prince, headed towards Adeline and greeted her. Adeline didn't reply and drank a glass of her wine. Her mother saw that and suddenly approached. She greeted the Emperor. Adeline only pays attention to a glass of delicious wine.

Mother discusses engagement with the Emperor in front of many people, while father is talking with Crown Prince to look after her daughter in the future. I was angry and accidentally dropped the wine glass in my hand on the floor.

With an innocent face. "I'm sorry, Your Majesty."

"It's okay, are you alright?"

"I'm not hurt, but your words that make my heart hurt."

Their faces looked very confused and questioning. I smiled warmly and said. "Your Majesty, I want to cancel this engagement."

Her mother looks worried and said don't mess up the party. Just then, Adeline ignored her mother word. She stepped towards the Emperor and bravely asked him.

"Can I cancel the engagement?"

The Emperor face turned very irritated. He tried not to show his expression. The Emperor held his staff and also clenched his hands.

Adeline face without feeling guilty. Continued to smile sweetly in front of the Emperor.

"Why do you want to cancel the engagement?"

Adeline told him that she was not suitable for Cedric fiancé. She said there's still many women who are more talented than her. Answer with a smile, she also said didn't want to be the Crown Princess.

She wanted to experience more freedom. Today is her 16th birthday. It's too young for her to get married. She wants to spend more time making her dreams come true.

"What is your dream?"

Adeline give some respects, "I want to be the most respected person with my own efforts."

Everyone who saw them was blown away by Adeline determination. Her mother was furious and apologized to the Emperor. The Emperor didn't move, until the end, he said.

"After all, you are still a candidate. It's still uncertain whether you are the Crown Prince fiancé. I cannot grant your wish, but you must be able to grant it yourself."

There is a purpose behind what the Emperor said. I feel good about his intelligence. I thanks to him back and announce to everyone. I would not and would not wish to become the Crown Prince fiancé.

The banquet changed with Adeline unanimous decision. Erwin, who stared at her from a distance, only saw her in silence.

My decision to change destiny, was just about to begin. A new page and plans to change the future will not be destroyed. I will continue to fight, no matter what. I have to win against everyone.


Adeline and the family came home in a horse carriage. Her mother scolded Adeline constantly and never stopped scolding her. Adeline didn't listen. She kept looking toward the window of the horse carriage.

The original plan failed. But, all of that can be replayed perfectly. Yes, while I have this opportunity. I have to do something.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier. Outside the horse carriage window. Adeline watched the rain. As Adeline sighed, the carriage rocked and stopped on its own.

"What is this?"

"Excuse us, horse carriage wheels got stuck in the mud."

Today was terrible! The Emperor announces engagement. We met the annoying Crown Prince. My problem about cancellation of engagement. Today is not my lucky day.

The rain is not stopping. They had nowhere to go and decided to take shelter under a tree. Adeline mother just felt annoyed by this incident. She didn't pay attention to her daughter and continued have a mad face.

Mother seems really mad at me? Of course, in her mind now she maybe thinking. My daughter has caused so many problems. Maybe that's what she thinking right now. clothes are dirty with rain and mud. What should we do?

A horse carriage suddenly visible from a distance. In more detail, the carriage belongs to the royal family. Adeline father stopped that carriage and the owner of the carriage was a noble man.


Erwin was going to give them a ride, a coincidence he carrying two horse-drawn carriages. Erwin said, that I would ride with him. He stretches out his hand. my face blushes and hold his hand.

Adeline was so nervous that they didn't talk to each other. Adeline just stared at her wet and dirty dress. Erwin who saw it, gave a robe to keep her warm. Adeline rejected it and returned it. Erwin immediately move from his sit. He sat next to Adeline and gave it back.

"It's okay."

He smiled at me when he said it. My face flushed like an octopus while smelling the scent of his robe. This scent makes me miss the past. Too bad if he doesn't remember it. If so, I would and Adeline, stop thinking like that.

End Chapter 6