Our Meeting

It was raining, in front of the Lawrence family mansion. Adeline had just returned to her room after taking a bath. She wore a long white pajamas.

Looking at her face in the mirror and combing her hair. Putting down the comb. She looked at the window and thought of Erwin.

Due to the rain, Erwin and some of his servants. Stay at the Lawrence mansion for a day. My parents could not bear to see Erwin return with a rain like this. 

The windows are facing each other towards me. I can see the lights in his room are still on. What is he doing now?

When she watched Erwin bedroom window that was on. She remembered Erwin from the past and shed tears. Until finally the lights in his room went out. Adeline stop paying attention to his window and went to sleep.

"Will you have a feeling for me?"

Several hours later, the rain only leaving a cold air. Adeline still hasn't fallen asleep, because of the incident during the debutante. Makes her unable to go on and think of a plan.

I can't sleep. Even though I feel exhausted, but my brain keep thinking. I couldn't asleep at all. A short walk might make me feel better?

She took a candle and walked in her pajamas. Walking down the lonely hallway, she arrived at the garden and sat on a garden lounger in the greenhouse. The glass roof opened, she saw the full moon shining and looked up at it.

The wind was blowing so hard. Made the candle go out, as she opened her eyes to see. A man in plain clothes. Stared at her in front of the greenhouse door.

They were silent and looked at each other. Adeline was surprised. She curtsey to him as a sign of respect.

Erwin ordered her to raise her head. He also apologized for surprising her. Adeline saw that she was still wearing her night gown and blushing in front of Erwin.

"What are you doing here?"

Erwin passed me and sat on the long chair. Looks like he ignoring me in the night gown. I touched my long hair and sat beside him.

With a shy face. "I want to get some fresh air."


He didn't respond my answer. What should I say now? Beautiful night? How are you? Have you eaten? I'm really bad.

"I'm still wondering. Why did you refuse to be engaged to the Crown prince?"

"Ah? Ah...about that...haha."

"Sorry, you seem bored with me."

"No, not really."

Erwin smiled warmly with his little laugh. Adeline blushed and her nervousness disappeared. They spent the night talking casually.

A few moments later, when Erwin wanted to return to the room. Adeline fell asleep on his shoulder. Erwin must carried Adeline to her room. He put a blanket on her, Adeline suddenly took his hand and said.

"Erwin ...."

He whispered in her ears. "Good night, Miss Adeline."


Adeline awakens from her sleep. The servant prepare Adeline with new dress. When she arrived at the dining table. She saw her parents and Erwin who were already waiting. she gives morning greetings.

"Good morning, Duke, Duchess Lawrence and Your Highness the Second Prince." 

Duke Lawrence told her to sit down. She sat next to Erwin and started eating the dish in front of their eyes. While eating, Duke Lawrence asked Erwin.

"I am honoured that Your Highness can feel comfortable in the Lawrence mansion."

"Of course, Duke Lawrence. If you excuse, may I visit your mansion again? If you don't mind."

"Of course, Your Highness."

I just listened, until Mother said to escort Erwin around the mansion. Erwin was so happy to hear that. I had no choice, so I must accompany him around the mansion. When I look sideways. He suddenly looks at me with his warm smile.

What? Why he looking at me like that?

During the day, Adeline practiced swordsmanship as usual with the knights. She wore a white uniform with black stripes and her hair tied up. She defeated several knights and took a break for a while.

While wiping away her sweat. Erwin headed towards her, clapping, and praising her.

"Greetings, Your Highness."

"No need to be too formal. Are you practicing the sword?"

"Yes, Your Highness."

Erwin looked at her "What if you have a sword fight with me?"


My face is confused. He wants to fight swords with me? He was a war hero. Can I fight him? Wow, a purplish black sword with rare diamonds from the princes of the two empire. I haven't seen his sword in a long time.

They prepared their stance and then took out their swords. A knight starts giving cues and it finally starts.

Adeline attacked Erwin quickly. Erwin managed to dodge, then counterattacks. Their swords held each other, until they finally retreated from their position and prepared to fight back.

The battle was fierce. The knights couldn't take their eyes off them. Adeline keep attacking and Erwin position opened up for her. When she wanted to drew her sword again. Erwin quickly avoid her and she fell.

"The winner is Prince Erwin!" 

They cheered and clapped. Erwin stretched out his hand to help her up.

"You doing great, Miss Lawrence."

"Your Highness, You are very worthy of the title of war hero."

Erwin smiled and then kiss her hand. At the same time, a royal knight came and told him to prepare for return. Adeline escorted him to the front entrance and saw her parents.

"Did you enjoy walking around the mansion?" Duke Lawrence asked.

Ha? Show around mansion? I forgot. How is it? Will he say it? Please Erwin, don't tell my father.

From a distance Adeline gestured Erwin not to tell Duke Lawrence. Erwin just stared at her, as Duke Lawrence looked back. Adeline stopped signaling and pretended to whistle.

"Yes, Duke Lawrence. I'm really enjoyed it."

Erwin said goodbye and set off in his horse carriage. Adeline face looked very happy. After that, she ran as fast as lightning leaving her parents.

Stupid Adeline, why are you running away? You have to thank him. Ah, why did I forget about escort him?

I stopped my steps and leaned against the tree. My face continued to blush thinking about Erwin. All these trials why must happen to me?

Erwin De Estefan, the Second Prince of the empire. A hero in the war two years ago. If I'm not mistaken, after he proposed to me. The Emperor sent him along with the Crown Prince to fight. On their return, the Emperor announced their engagement to the Crown Prince.

Did something happen to them during the war? Wait, the reason I got engaged to him was because it was decided by my parents. If so, why did they announce it after the war was over? When debutante? they can announce it like now? Something was strange. something felt so wrong.

"Miss Adeline?!"

"What's wrong?"

"You are requested to see Lord Duke now."

"What? Now?" 

Adeline changed into a dress. Upon opening the door, Duke and Mrs. Lawrence were in the room with an unpleasant atmosphere. They asked Adeline to sit down.

"In two days, the Emperor asked you to meet him. You have to get ready."

The Emperor asked me to meet him? Is there anything problem with me?

End Chapter 7