A New Idea

"Why does the Emperor want to see me?"

"We also don't know, which is more important. Don't embarrass yourself in front of the Emperor." 

Duke Lawrence ordered Adeline come back to the room. Adeline without asking again. She left them with curiousity. She walked down the hallway constantly and thinking about the Emperor.

What did the Emperor want to meet me? Does this have anything to do with the Crown Prince engagement? The Emperor has given me a chance to change the course of the engagement. When the Emperor met me, he would only talk about insignificant things. What are you going to do? Adeline, don't worry about unnecessary things.

Adeline changed her clothes back to practice the sword. She defeated the knights one by one very quickly. Even though Adeline had just practiced a sword. She has proved it in a very short time. Everyone thinks maybe because she have a Lawrence pure blood. 

"Miss Adeline?"

"Don't talk here, we must move to another place."

A knight came to Adeline and they moved to the another places. That knight was the one Adeline protected against Duke Lawrence. He became one of Adeline men, as a token of his gratitude.

"So...found something?"

"Forgive me, information about the Crown Prince. I didn't find it at all. It seemed he didn't want his information to be spread widely."

Information about him seemed very difficult to obtain. I have to find out myself, but before that. I have to finish something.

Adeline returned to the training ground. A servant comes towards her. She tells her to rest. If they push themselves too much. They will get scolded by her mother.

She returned to her room and looked in a mirror. Big mirror as tall as her. She touched the mirror and without a reason, she dropped it on the floor. The servants immediately came to her room and cleaned the broken glass. Adeline asked one of the servants to approach her.

"Can I count on you?"

"If you want me to be a reliable person. I can be one of them."

Adeline smiled sweetly and then allowed the servant to continue cleaning those broken glass. Adeline feel something burning.

This broken glass is like the shard of my heart that has been shattered by the past. I won't break that heart over the same mistake. How do you get the fraction back again? You can throw the shards away and make them or buy them new ones. it's easy right?

Two days before the meeting with the Emperor. Adeline was forbidden by her mother to practice the sword and study manners all day. Her mother kept hitting her if she made a mistake. Duke Lawrence also put a guard in front of her room so she cannot run away.

The day have come for meeting with the Emperor. Adeline was invited to the flower garden inside palace garden. Incidentally the flowers in the palace are blooming. The Emperor wanted to see them by drinking a cup of tea.

The Emperor was waiting for her with a cup of tea. Adeline greet him and sat down in front of him. The Emperor didn't speak a single word, only watching the flowers in bloom. Adeline finally asked.

"Do you have any business with me? You even called me here."

"Ah, about that. I want to tell Miss about the engagement. Don't you want to know the reason why I agreed to this engagement?"

I put down the teacup then said. "I don't need an explanation." I don't want a misunderstanding and confuse everyone. Besides, if I was told. Everything will contradict the truth.

Adeline stood up and said that had a business. She leaves the Emperor in the garden alone. Servants notice her and whisper that she is Crown Prince fiancé. Adeline accelerated her pace and saw a big tree.

Even though I already know that the Emperor will talk something unimportant. Why did I'm agree to meet him? All of this is wasting my precious time. Ha? you are useless.

Adeline sat the big tree to calm her thoughts. At that moment, someone called her from a distance. Adeline looked at the source of the voice that had called her. Seeing the person then averted her gaze.

"Have you finished talking to the Emperor?"

Adeline didn't answer his question and look away. The person approached her then touched a strand of hair. He pushed Adeline against the big tree, touched her cheek. Adeline slapped him without thinking.

"Crown Prince Cedric De Estefan, please pay attention to your behavior in front of everyone. They are watching us, even though I'm engaged to you. I'm still a candidate. What you did to me was sexual harassment. I can report you, no matter what status you have."

Cedric walked away from Adeline. He smiled coldly and left her. Adeline fell silent looking at the Crown Prince. Her heart was beating very fast, making her short of breath while touching her chest.

"Miss Lawrence?! Are you all right?!"

I don't know what happened. When I wanted to see his face. The one who helping me. I had lost consciousness. When I woke up. I already in my room. My mother suddenly entered the room and scolded me. She made me dizzy. I didn't listen to her words and just lay on the bed.

The next day, I felt better. My father called me, he said that wanted to talk to me. I walked to his office and saw him. He asked me.

"What are you talking about with the Emperor?"

"Nothing important."

"Is it true?"

"Never mind! I'm going back to my room. I want to go back for rest."

Adeline with an annoyed face. She returned to her room and called a servant. The servant came. Adeline told her give some respects.

Adeline asked what about the investigation. The servant received information about a possible war that was about to occur.

War? I've been there. Even though the war was only temporary. But, it took a large amount of casualties. In fact, almost the entire army of the Lawrence family die because of that. During that war, what really happened? Hm?

I thanked to her and told her to leave. The servant leave me alone in that room. I kept thinking about the war. At the time, the war lasted only two months or so.

The Emperor sent him and the Crown Prince into battle. My father didn't participate in the war because of the Emperor orders. My father should have participated as a troop representative. I'm just waiting for him in the Empire. Hoping he can return safely. The war will be fought in a few months.

"Should I...participate in the war?"

Adeline smiled happily. Her gaze seem evil and then laughed with great joy.

Great idea Adeline, to find out more. Why don't you just join in that war? Preventing and changing the future is your reason in this second chance. Yes, I have to be ready.

"Haha, just wait. I will be a strong person in this second chance. But before that, I need a help. The person who is always by my side and always respect to me."

Adeline changed her clothes and make some happy face. The plan has matured, she will go through it all. Walk on the wheel of destiny that has been given. Looking forward to a beautiful future ahead of him. A future that will change everything.

End Chapter 8