You're Awake?

"Commander, can we return safely?"

"... Sure ... we'll be back ... safely." Erwin replied hesitantly.

We have been walking for more than two hours and are only surrounded by forest. Our clothes were even dirty, but not too dirty. There are only a few scratches on our body.

"...Are you tired?"

"? .. No, I'm fine."

He had asked me more than ten times. Is he really worried about me? I've been feeling good since earlier.

Erwin walked in front of her, as if he were leading a journey. Adeline continued to watch him from behind. Without realizing it, Adeline, her heart was racing and her face flushed.

"Hm, the sun has started to set. Looks like we will rest tonight."

"... Yes, it's better that way."

Light a small campfire. I warm my body so I don't get cold. This atmosphere was like that time of adventure. It reminded me of looking for Ryan and Edgar. Accidentally met Erwin in the forest.