Top Tragedy Begins Now

"I thought you were sleeping." Adeline got up from her sleep position. Sit down and look around. Trying not to look at Erwin.

"How would the Duke and Mrs. Lawrence react when they saw their daughter like this?" Erwin asked

"Haha, maybe they will abandoned me or maybe punish me severely."

"Maybe they won't believe it. Even though I often hear about you. You are a perfect noble lady. I can't believe, that perfect noble lady would be like this."

The perfect lady? a perfect lady was like the dream of male nobles. A noble lady or women is perfect for being the best future wife and a female successor to a male aristocrat.

"All of that is true. I was too obedient to what my mother said to be the perfect lady in front of her and everyone."

"... Then why did you take this path?"