Pretty Girls Make Me Anxious

Neville's POV

Professor Dumbledore stood up to make an announcement before the last girl was sorted into her house. "Woah she's hot" Ron said looking up to see what was going on. Hermione smacked his shoulder. "Seriously that's the first thing that comes to your head, not that's she's our age." She said annoyed. Ron isn't wrong she is really pretty.

"Before Miss Y/f/n Y/l/n is sorted I just want to tell you that she will be entering 3rd year. Her newly acquired magical abilities and age are the reason she is skipping the first couple years." Dumbledore said and sat back down. Everyone started talking about her.

Your POV

Why is it always me that ends up being the center of attention, dammit now my hands are shaking. Anyone else wouldn't care but I get so anxious about these things.

"Y/n". I heard my name and walked up to get sorted hoping I wouldn't trip. I sat down and the hat was put on my head, it covered half my eyes.

"Interesting, very interesting kind heart, loyal, strong willed and quite intelligent. Hufflepuff would be a comfy fit but it doesn't fully sum you up. You could do great things in Gryffindor" the hat spoke. I don't care where you put me just hurry up, I hate everyone staring. "Are you sure about that, you're braver than you think... Very well...GRYFFINDOR" the hat yelled and the Gryffindor table cheered loudly. I take the hat off and made my way over to the Gryffindor table slightly weirded out that the hat read my mind. I spot a spare seat next to a brown-black haired boy. "Sorry but can I sit here?" I asked softly. The boy just nods not looking at me. I thank him awkwardly and sit down.

Imidiately people started shaking my hand and asking me questions. "Why weren't you at Hogwarts when we started?" Dean asked. "Oh umm... well I wasn't magic before this year I guess" I mumbled not sure how to explain myself since this was all new to me. A Slytherin girl tapped me on the shoulder.

"What did Dumbledore mean by magic abilities you seem like a muggle to me you don't seem special" She said in a rude tone. "Leave her alone Pansy" said Hermione a 3rd year that I just met. "Shut up mudblood. Come on new girl what can you do huh?" Pansy says. I really didn't want to be getting into a fight on my first day so I didn't say anything. "That's what I thought" she says and walks back to her table.

I sighed and sat back down. "Umm thanks Hermione" I said looking down slightly. She smiles softly.

"So what can you do if you don't mind me asking" Harry asked. "Oh... well I have three abilities at the moment but I keep developing new ones. So the first one is telekinesis" I said excitedly and pulled out my wand placing it on the table and making it levitate holding my hand in front of it before letting it back down. A group of people surround me watching me use my powers. "But I can levitate people as well. Umm the second one is invisibility" I held out my hand and make it invisible. "Which comes with making clothing invisible too" I said and hold my tie making it no longer visible. People chatter and say how cool it must be to do this without a wand. "So whats the last one" Ron asks slightly impatient. I smiled softly. "Healing, so..." I look beside me and see that the boy named Neville had a cut on his hand. I take his hand in mine. "May I" I asked wanting to heal his cut.

Neville's POV

I watch in awe as she showed us her powers. Godric she's beautiful... shit please dont be able to read minds. When she said her last power is healing I relax a little, but that was before she took my hand. I could feel my face turn red. "I-I-I..." I stutter cursing myself for not being able to speak properly. "Thats a yes" Ron said wanting to see her heal my cut without her wand. She smiled softly and healed my hand, it felt warm and a bright yellow glow was shining from her hand. She let go to show that the cut was now gone.

"T-Thanks" I mumbled. "No problem" she said softly and smiled making me blush more. I looked at Seamus, he just smirked and wiggled his eyebrows. I blush and shake my head knowing he would do something to bring her attention to me. "Hey Y/n sorry about Neville, pretty girls make him anxious" he said. I quickly look down avoiding eye contact with her. Now she's going to think I'm weird.

Your POV

I turned to Neville and blushed. "Hey it's okay...You don't have to be anxious around me, I'm not judgemental. I mean this whole thing is making me anxious so I know how you feel" I said and hugged him gently. I felt him tense up so I let go feeling bad that I invaded his personal space. "Sorry I'm a hugger" I said softly.

Soon it was time for students to go back to the common rooms. My new friends showed me where it is and how to get in. The painting asked for the password and I jumped startled by the weirdness of the magic world. Harry, Ron and Hermione laugh at my reaction. When I got into the common room Hermione showed me where everything was and told me that I would be sleeping in the same room as her. I did my nightly routine and jump into bed. I loved it at Hogwarts everything was so amazing and I honestly hoped that I wouldn't have to go back home. Aghh stop thinking about home you're here now away from there you don't need to worry about it until the holiday's. I couldn't wait for tomorrow I was so excited, I closed my eye's falling asleep.