Weird Books And Hippogriffs

Your POV

I got ready for my first class and Hermione showed me where to go since she was in the same class as me. I started walking with her and she told me about the book and to stroke the spine before opening it.

I walked with the class following Hagrid. I saw Neville walking by himself, I frown and tried to come up with a way to be able to talk to him. Hagrid asks the class to open their books. "And how are we supposed to do that" Malfoy asks in a snappy tone. "Stroke the spine of course" Hagrid says. I giggle and stroke my books spine before opening it.

I noticed Neville open his book without stroking the spine. He fell to the ground as the book attacked him. What the hell why is no-one helping him. I ran over and held my hand out using my telekinesis to get it off him, I helped him up with my free hand. "Are you okay?" I asked softly. He nods looking down. I giggle and take his hand gently and bring it to the spine of the book showing him that his book needed to be relaxed before he could open it. I look up at him and notice he was blushing. No that can't be right it's probably the adrenaline of being attacked by the book...yeah that's what it is.

Neville's POV

Why am I like this, why can't I just be normal. I gasp when she took my hand in hers, but I really didn't want her to let go. Her hands are so soft against my rough ones. I blush as she looks up at me, I try to avoid her gaze as much as possible feeling like I didn't deserve to look upon her gorgeous face. I look up to see Malfoy smirking and walking over to us. I panicked and grabbed the book. "T-Thanks" I mumble and tried to walk away but Malfoy pushed me back. "What are you doing talking to the new girl, Longbottom" Malfoy was smug, crossing his arms and puffing his chest out. "I-I just t-thought" I stutter incapable of forming a coherent sentence. "What you thought that a loser like you could talk to someone as beautiful as her. You're fat and ugly who would want you. Come on Y/n you don't have to hang around this nerd anymore." Malfoy's voice was like venom. He's right who would want me I'm a freak. I could feel my eye's filling with tears.

Your POV

I was fuming with anger. "What the hell is with you Slytherins. You can't just say that about people, I happen to think that his body is perfect. So how about you take your preppy ass over there and leave him alone, asshole" I growled and took Neville's hand walking over to Harry, Ron and Hermione.

"Y-Y/n... I-" I cut Neville off. "You don't have to say anything it's okay" I wiped a tear that fell down his cheek. "Hey don't listen to him, that daddy's boy has no idea what he's talking about" I said and gave him a hug to my delight he hugged me back.

I looked up and saw Hagrid with some type of creature. "Woah that's awesome" I said excitedly letting go of Neville. Hagrid smiled.

"That Miss Y/l/n, is a Hippogriff" he said turning around to get him ready. "Who would like to pet him?" He asked. Everyone moved back but I was too interested in looking at the magnificent creature to notice. Hagrid turned around. "Miss Y/l/n well done, stand there and I'll tell ya what to do" Hagrid said. I looked around behind me to see everyone stepped back. Shit.

I gingerly walked over to where Hagrid said to stand. Neville asked Hermione if I would be okay. "She will if she does what Hagrid says" She replied softly.

Buckbeak walked towards me a few steps then stopped. "Bow and stay there until he bows back" Hagrid said. I did as he said and bow, waiting and hoping Buckbeak would bow back. He started to get fidgety and stomped his feet. "Get back get back Y/n" Hagrid whisper-shouts. I quickly take two steps back still bowing. Malfoy whistles at me. "Nice ass" He laughs and high fived some Slytherin. I was really embarrassed now realising my skirt was a little high up but it still covered my ass but it just made it more noticeable. Neville felt a pang of jealousy and anger. Hermione just rolled her eyes. "Shut up you creep". Pansy didn't like that Draco was staring at my ass so she wanted to make me look bad. Buckbeak bowed back and Hagrid claps. "Ya can pet him now". I walked up slowly and pet him gently. "He's amazing" I had a bright smile plastered on my face.

Pansy huffed picking up a stick and throwing it at Buckbeak. He made a loud noise clearly angry and reared up at me scratching my left arm deep making me fall back. Hagrid rushed in and got Buckbeak to move back and calm down. The trio and Neville came over to see if I was okay. "That beast is dangerous the Ministry will put him down for hurting someone and so he should be, he could attack us." Malfoy muttered. I gasp not wanting the poor creature to die I knew it wasn't his fault. Hagrid came over to me as well. "Are ya hurt? Where did he get ya?" Hagrid asked worried. Harry held out his hand to help me up, when I got up I hid my left arm and showed them my right arm. "He missed, he didn't hurt me" I lied hoping they would believe me. Hagrid let out a sigh of relief and gave the class the rest of the lesson off. "So what should we do?" I asked them as we all started walking back to the castle. When we were out of range for anyone to hear Hermione grabbed my arm, I hissed in pain and pulled my arm away. "Ouch!...I-I mean-" I tried to cover up what I did. Harry, Ron and Neville looked at me to see what happened. "Ah ha! I knew you got hurt, but why did you hide it?" She asked tilting her head at me. "I'm fine honestly, it doesn't hurt that much. Just don't tell anyone. You heard what Draco said and I don't want Buckbeak to be killed because of a stupid sratch" I said looking down.

Neville's POV

I was really worried when Hermione found out she was actually hurt, I wanted to help her, I stepped foward to see how bad it was but Harry took her arm and pulled the sleeve back before I could do anything. It doesn't matter she would probably want Harry to do it instead of me anyway.

Ron's eyes widen. "Bloody hell"

"You're bleeding pretty bad, we have to take you to the hospital wing you can't hide this" Harry says. She giggled. "Remember who you're talking to Harry" She said and put her hand over her arm and healed her wound. I watched in awe. She is truly amazing.

"So what are you guys doing now?" she asked. Ron and Harry said something about Sirius Black, Hermione mentioned the library. "What about you Neville" She asked giving me a cute toothy smile.

"Umm... I'm going to the Greenhouse to do some study for Herbology" I said nervously. "Okay sorry to be a complete...muggle I believe that's the term? But what's that?" She asked happily.

"I-It's care of plants" I mumbled. Great now she is going to think I'm a loser. "So basically nerd stuff" Ron said laughing. She smiled brightly. "Oh! That sounds interesting can I come with you? I promise not to get in your way" She practically squealed beaming with joy despite having a painful gash a few minutes ago. "S-Sure if you r-really want to" I stutter. Why can't I speak normally around her. "Yay! Let's go, bye guys" She said and linked her arm with mine and walked with me to the Greenhouse. "H-Hey Y/n about what happened back t-there...with Malfoy I just w-wanted to thank you" I mumbled blushing remembering when she said my body was perfect. Maybe I have a chance with stop being stupid she could never see me in that way.

"No problem anything for a friend" She said. Right friend I guess I was right.