The Devastating History Of The Forbidden

The Forbidden came from a long, complicated line of history of the most Powerful Blacksmiths on earth.

History has it that they were four brother in total. They came from a poor family of farmers and they all had one dream, to become a powerful Blacksmith.

They did succeed in a way because their shop was the most popular workshop in town so they had a lot customers who will even queue just to get their sword made from the finest hands.

But the greediness in a being's heart was far too formidable. When one of the brothers felt that he wasn't getting enough credit from the workshop, he left despite the objections of his brothers.

He thought of a way in which he could become the most powerful being on the planet and rule over everyone. He tried different type of acs but they all came out unyielding.

But when he read of a story of a hybrid, made of a vampire and a werewolf in the same body. A devious scheme started building in his head.

He travelled all around the world, trying to gather materials in which he could make a substance that no one on earth has ever dared to.

He built an underground laboratory in which he examined his products and tested to see the solubility of it. In order to get his desired substance, he killed more than can be counted young Weres so he could use their bones and blood as a test.

Then finally a deep red vial was made. It consists of ground bones of Werewolves, a drop of a vampire's and werewolf's blood and a fang from a vampire.

Wanting to try out the substance in the vial, he went back home in the pretence of having repented. His brothers took him back in open arms, unaware of their brother's evil plan.

On a mysterious night, he put a drop of the vile substance in one of his brother's drink and stood behind the curtain to watch how his product turned out.

As soon as his brother swallowed the drink, his entire body became a pale shade of blue, as though the life was being sucked out of him. His eyes turned into deep red as the veins popped out of his body.

Slowly and very painfully, his body stared to metamorphose into an ugly shape, his body twisted into a diagonal angle as his bones broke and reformed into a werewolf.

But as he was about to change completely, his body burst like a deflated balloon and his pieces of flesh flied all over the room.

Marvelled by his creation and not at all disturbed by his brother's death, he took a piece of flesh of his brother and went back to his laboratory to examine it.

He then found out that the gene of a vampire and werewolf was inputted into his flesh and he was ecstatic that he got exactly what he wanted.

This time around, he put the flesh of his brother into the mix and went back home for try it on another brother.

Unknowingly to him, his brothers had already hired men to hunt him down so when he readily came back home, he was attacked by the men.

Having no other option than to protect himself, he brought out the vial and gulped down the entire bottle. As soon as the substance entered his veins, he disappeared like he was never there before.

Bewilderment at the dangerous power of the mix, the two brothers took the remaining of the substance and completely banned it from society, giving it the name 'The Forbidden'.

Because they knew that if anyone were to survive the formation process, that person would be the most powerful being on planet, having both the power of a vampire and of a werewolf in just one body.

In order to save the life of so many other people, they buried the substance in a deserted area where no one would ever find it and manipulate it to their desire.

Scientist as clever as they were, took a flesh of the dead brother and used it to make a carbon copy of the original Forbidden.

It was less stronger and painful and it only turned one into a werewolf or Vampire for just a short period of time.

The duration depends on how strong and resilient the person was. It was also further said that, if taken excessively, it could lead to death.

The foolishness of people, when they found out of this type of drug, they were curious and eager to try it out so it was in high demand when it first came out.

After feeling the power of turning into another being, they became greedy and started demanding for more.

It caused a lot of chaos and destruction in the land when people started becoming creatures that didn't even have a name to be put on paper.

They destroyed everything in sight, be it cars, stores, people or even buildings. As they were unable to control themselves, they removed every other thing that wasn't like them.

After the government saw the dire effect of the drug, they wasted no time in banning it from the country yet some dark, drug dealers were still selling it just to make some cheap change.

When the drug became scarce, people that have already began to get addicted to it started going mad, they walked up and down the city like zombies, trying to find the substance that could quench their thirst.

They began eating raw human flesh so they could at least feel slightly satisfied. It less to the loss of many innocent lives. People were scared to even leave their homes so they stayed indoors for protection.

The government hired brave individuals to take down the creatures with heavily armed guns and other weapons to kill them at sight.

Gradually the number reduced and people felt a little safer to come out of their homes. That period was the most devastating period for all realms; the humans, vampires and werewolves.

Then humans turning into either a vampire or a werewolf, the vampires turning into werewolves and the werewolves turning into vampires.

You may think because of the disaster The Forbidden caused, it wouldn't be available in this time and day but you are sadly wrong.

The Forbidden does still exist, just that it isn't sold in public but in dark, hidden places where absolutely no one can ever know what happens between those closed doors.

And our dear Prince Lane, in order to bring his sister back, he willingly took The Forbidden and stepped into the enemies' den with bravery.

Will he be able to disguise himself as a werewolf and find his sister or will he be caught before he could even try?