Ready To Fight For Her Love?

Midway through breakfast, Tashina felt a light purr on her feet and she scrunched her eyebrows.

The fur of hair was moving up and down her feet and a tingly sensation went through her body. She put the spoon down and raised the table cloth to find out what was on her legs.

She smiled as she realized what was tickling her and she took it in her arms and sat back up.

"There you are! I was worried about you!" she gushed as she hugged the small bear that has been wandering about the castle since last night and later found a sleeping spot in the dining room.

"Koka!" the little bear spurred in excitement at the sight of Tashina.

"What's that thing doing in here?! Animals are not allowed in here!" Ren screeched with a scowl on his face.

"First of all, he's a bear, and secondly, every inhabitant of this castle is one way or another, an animal, or am I wrong?"

Ren turned beet red as he understood what she meant. Chivia quickly drank water to mask her amusement.


"She's right, Ren and besides, what harm can a small creature like it cause?" Xavier scoffed as he continued his meal.

"Chivia?" Ren appealed to his wife for help.

"Can't help you on this one, my love" Chivia shrugged.

"You hear that? I can keep you!" Tashina grinned at the bear and Ren clenched his fists.

"I will order a cage for it" Ren proclaimed.

"You will not. And it's a he" Tashina insisted.

As the bickering between Ren and Tashina went on, a lady barged into the room without knocking and everyone looked up.

The dark waves of her long, sleek black hair cascaded down her back up to her hip, the white tight-fit dress she wore was exquisite as it clearly brought out all her curves in the right way to seduce a male.

The high stilettos she wore made her legs look a few inches longer and her round face was covered with makeup that made her look like a new bride.

She strode to the table and effortlessly threw a look of disdain at Tashina before she walked up to Xavier. Her glossy lips were put in a tight smile as she greeted him.

"Greetings, Alpha" her honeyed tone rang across the room and an irritated look passed Ren's and Chivia's faces.

Tashina didn't know who this young lady was but she certainly didn't like her or the way her hawk-like eyes ogled Xavier as though he were a piece of meat.

"Greeting, Meda. How are you?" The Alpha returned her greeting politely.

"I'm well, Alpha but there is a problem..." she paused and took a moment to stare at Tashina.

"Yes?" Xavier asked.

Meda leaned in and whispered into the Alpha's ear, blocking out everyone in the room.

Tashina held her breath when she saw the hawk lady bringing her lips close to Xavier. She didn't even know when she clenched her fists.

The bear in her arms looked up in confusion.

Whatever she said made the Alpha sigh out loud and he grumbled under his breath.

"Why don't you share this problem with everyone, Meda?" Chivia spat her name with bitterness but kept the sweet smile intact.

"You don't need to know, it's not like you can do anything, anyway" Meda scorned at Chivia.

"Breathe in, breathe out" Tashina heard Chivia mumble under her breath.

"Excuse me, everyone. I have something urgent to attend to" The Alpha said after cleaning his lips with the napkin.

He stood up to leave the room and made sure he took a glance at Tashina before he closed the door with Meda closely behind him.

Meda Ilet Lake is a young, beautiful, and popular werewolf in North-Eastern Pack. She is the only daughter of Chief Lake, one of the Chief in the Grand Council.

She is known to be arrogant because she has been spoilt from a young age and she got the job of the assistant of the Alpha through her father's connection.

She never fails to show everyone what her true motive is, as she takes care of the Alpha a little bit too much then she is required to.

And now that she heard about a vampire in the castle, she was determined to find out who and what she came looking for.

She had to make sure nobody takes her place as future Luna of the Pack.

"The sweetest dream I had was when I dreamt of her slender neck crushing under my paws!!" Chivia shrieked once Meda was out of sight.

"Calm down, sweetheart. We all feel the same way" Ren soothed his wife.

"Is her voice always that nasal?" Tashina squelched.

"Nope, she has two categories of tones. One for the Alpha and the other for the rest of the world!" Chivia hit her fist on the table.

"I will go check out what's wrong. Stay calm, darling, and keep her indoors" Ren ordered as he stepped out of the room.

"I'm not your dog!" Tashina snapped.

"You wish you were!" Ren shot back.

"I don't think your husband likes us" Tashina pouted as she caressed the bear.

"Don't say that, he's just cranky. You'll get used to him" Chivia smiled.

Tashina wondered what problem Meda was talking about that Xavier had to leave his food to attend to. She hoped it wasn't major but something told her it had to do with her being in the Castle.

The last thing she needed was to cause trouble for Xavier or his Pack. Even though they didn't treat her well, she didn't wish for anything bad to arise because of her.

She gazed glumly at the door and wished for Xavier to enter the room and tell her everything was going to be fine.

She now regretted asking him for some space, her mind keeps driving back to him and it's hard to keep all these thoughts inside.

A warm grip settled on her shoulder and she looked up in surprise. Xavier stood there smiling at her and she had to smile back.

When she blinked again, she saw Evalet in front of her and she had to admit, her heart sank when she didn't see him there.

Stupid head!

She scolded herself inside.

"Honey?" Evalet called.

"Yes?" Tashina broke out of her daze and answered.

"Don't worry about him, he will take care of everything" Evalet gleamed knowingly.

Tashina frowned as she wondered how Evalet knew what she was thinking about.

"You see, as an old lady, I have seen a lot of fierce female persona but I have to admit that your aura is truly formidable" Evalet mused.


"Yes. You have a strong energy that surrounds you and commands everyone to obey your order. It disintegrates a person and makes him or her feel weak around your presence. You would make a great Luna" Evalet acknowledged.

"A Luna is supposed to be a werewolf, not a vampire," Tashina said blankly.

"A Luna is one who is willing to give up her life to protect her kingdom, she is one who would have the authority to command a full army with just a snap of her fingers. She is one who truly loves her people.

"And who said a vampire can't be a Luna? It doesn't matter what creature you are but rather, it depends on the nature of the heart." Evalet sat on the chair next to Tashina.

"Seeing my boy, Xavier, spend more than half of his life, searching for you was too much for my heart to handle. The kid kept on sinking into this dark abysmal and no one could save him from it. He never let us. But suddenly, I see him smiling, shining, and eager to live life again and that is all because of you" she took Tashina's hand.

"It's going to be hard for the people to accept you. This love tale is one no realm has ever experienced but I believe that you will overcome it and you can only do that together" Evalet brought her hand forth to caress Tashina's loose strands.

"Xavier cares for you and it's obvious from your eyes that you do too. Don't give up just because you're scared of what others will say"

" It will have so many consequences to bear" Tashina sighed in dismay.

"That's very true but are you so weak that you're going to give up even before you try? I hope I didn't misread you but you look like one who would fight till the end to get what you want. Why can't you do the same for Xavier?" Evalet left the vague question hanging and stepped out of the room.

The maids began to clear up the dishes on the table and the click of utensils filled the air as Tashina's breaths was one of rout.

She didn't realize when her life became a soap opera. She wished her father was here to guide her.

This was one of the times she missed her mentor, King Regor.

He used to say, 'Everyone may give up in the middle of the game but my daughter will fight through to gain what she yearns'

He had so much faith and love for her.

"Let's go, Tashina" Chivia held her shoulder as a sign of comfort.

Tashina looked up and saw the hint of reassurance in her eyes.

That small flicker gave her the strength to stand up and walk out the room as Xavier's face burned deeply into her skull.

Was she ready to fight for him?