A Vampire, Mate To A Werewolf

As usual, when she stepped into the room, the entire atmosphere changed and although Xavier could feel her every move, he remained impassive.

'Give me some time'

She had asked him last night and he was going to fulfill her demands.

He couldn't hold his laughter when Tashina said she was going to ask a maid for some blood. This vampire was very extraordinary.

He couldn't believe her. If she wanted some blood, all she needs to do is ask and it will be given to her.

When he saw the way she smiled so brightly when the soup was brought, his heart felt at ease. The way her eyes crinkled when she was excited made him smile in content.

He was glad he had specifically asked Evalet to prepare the soup for her. He knew she wouldn't be able to stomach the solid foods for now.

But still, she needed something solid to hold her belly down so he stood and broke pieces of bread into the soup for her.

He tried his best to not look at her as he did it so she wouldn't feel uncomfortable. When he sat back down on his seat, he could feel her eyes on him but he pretended he didn't notice her.

He never knew giving someone some time and space could be so hard nevertheless, he was going to give as much time as she needed. As long as she was going to stay.

When Meda came into the room, he felt the slight jealousy and contempt for Meda in Tashina and he was amused.

He even greeted Meda, his assistant, politely just to aggravate her even more.

It felt nice that she was jealous and protective of him. It meant that she cared for him, that maybe, she loved him as much as he did.

When Meda whispered into his ears that the Grand Council was in the meeting room, waiting for him, he wasn't surprised at all.

He knew that the news that a vampire was in the Kingdom would spread like a wild blaze and it wouldn't be long before the old men heard of it.

They were going to chew his ear out and he just couldn't wait for it.

He thought sarcastically.

He sighed and stepped out of the room, with Meda behind him. He glanced at Tashina one last time before he left the room.

Now, as he walked down the hall to the meeting room with Meda behind him, he rubbed his head in preparation for the headache that would come rushing as soon as he entered the room.

"Who is that female, Alpha? Why is she sitting in the royal dining room when she is supposed to locked up down in the dungeons" Meda scorned and walked up to walk beside him.

A sign that she thought of herself as equal to the Alpha.

"Step back, Meda" Xavier hissed without taking a look at her.

"I have always warned you that you aren't equal to me but you just don't listen, do you?"

"Alpha, the vampire-" she whined.

"The vampire is none of your concern and my decision is not answerable to anyone, not to talk of you. So keep that pretty mouth shut and act upon your status" Xavier warned and Meda stomped her foot on the ground in annoyance.

"I didn't hear a response?" Xavier chided.

"Yes, Alpha" she reluctantly grumbled.

"Good. Now fix my robe, it seems to be out of place" He ordered with a smirk.

He knew one of the things she hated was when she had to do real work as his assistant so in order to irritate her, he ordered for her to fix his robe.

She clenched her fists as she arranged his royal blue robe in place.

He removed a few strands from his face as he ordered the guards to open the doors.

"My entrance must always be grand" He sneered as he entered the room where the seven senior werewolves sat, waiting for their Alpha to arrive.

The Alpha walked into the room as the Chiefs stood up.

"Greetings, Alpha" They all murmured their greetings.

"Greetings, dear Chiefs" Xavier sat on his elevated, golden throne and Meda was by his right.

"What is this I hear of, Alpha?!" Chief Keef roared.

"We need an explanation!" Chief Lake backed up.

"A Vampire in the castle?!" Chief Fleir bellowed.

"That is outrageous!!" Chief Flouren snickered.

"We need to calm down and hear him out!" Chief Jaune chipped in.

"Alpha, we are all very confused," Chief Luckard said.

The six Chiefs all said at the same time and the room went in a total uproar. Chief Kelm was on his seat and as usual, quiet. His dark eyes swiping over everyone in the room.

"Silence!" Xavier yelled and the room went in a total hush.

"Why is a vampire in North-East?" Chief Keef demanded as his veins were about to pop out of his head.

"I brought her here"

The stillness that followed that statement was devastating.

"You what?!" Chief Lake inquired.

"I brought the vampire here" Xavier reiterated in case their old ears missed it the first time.

"But why? Why would you bring such a creature into the Pack? Into your Castle?" Chief Jaune was now looking faint.

"I brought her because I need her, she is someone special to me and an important aspect to the Pack"

The Chiefs all looked at one another, confused at the vague answers the Alpha was giving.

"She is my mate..."

Now, it was like a graveyard. No one moved, no one said a word. The cold breeze blew into the room from the open window but the chill it gave wasn't as harsh as the one they got when they heard his declaration.

A vampire? Mate to the Alpha?

"Your what?!" Media spat from beside him and Xavier gave her a warning look, not to interfere.

Suddenly, a burst of deep laughter came from somewhere in the room and everyone looked up at the unusual sound.

At the end of the row by the left of the room sat a man of about a few centuries old. He had brown polished hair in which the grey was overcoming and his dark eyes could drown anyone with the mystery inside.

He threw his head back as he laughed out loud while everyone stared at him with bewilderment.

They had to check outside to see if pigs were flying because the man who had never said a word in any meeting nor contribute his opinions in any decision was laughing like a maniac.

Chief Kelm's cackles made everyone forget what they came here for, for a short moment.

"How is that possible? How can a vampire be your mate, Alpha?" Chief Keef snapped out of his shock and asked.

"That can not be true," Chief Fleir added.

"I was as confused and shocked as you all are but every incident with her had made me confirm that she is indeed my mate. It may sound odd to you but that is the truth and it is an ancient Oracle being fulfilled" Xavier explained as calmly as he could.

"How on earth...?!" Chief Luckard sank into his chair while deep in thoughts.

"This will not be accepted by the Grand Council! We will never let that thing rule over the Pack. I demand her immediate execution!" Chief Keef growled.

Xavier flared up and glared at him, the rising emotions filling the air and choking everybody in the room.

"You will not lay a finger on her!" his powerful aura poured out from him and his wolf, Talon was about to emerge.

"B-But this is madness!" Chief Keef said with a little shake.

"Nobody touches her. Do I make myself clear, old men?" Xavier hissed and gripped the arm of the chair he was seated in.

The Chiefs all looked away in discomfort.

Werewolves have aura according to their status in the Pack. They have a certain amount of energy that spews out of them whenever their emotions are not balanced.

The most powerful of all aura is that of an Alpha. It is so dominant that it can suck out the air from someone's lungs.

It makes one surrender to the Alpha because the energy itself can make one too weak to walk. That is how most Alphas intimidate their subjects.

Xavier was now fuming with rage and his aura was getting too strong to handle. The old men couldn't take it for much longer.

"Xavier, breathe" Xavier felt a hand on his shoulder and he looked up to see Ren standing before him with a silent plea in his green orbs.

"Talon, get back inside now!" Ren ordered sternly and Talon slowly subsided with a whimper.

"I want you to calm down, no one is going to harm Tashina" Ren pat his shoulder in a circular motion.

An act that always calmed his cousin down.

Growing up together, the Niroma brothers have learned the most effective way to calm each other. They have applied these techniques ever since a young age and it has proven helpful in many situations.

Whenever Xavier was angry, the proper way to calm him down was to look into his eyes and pat his shoulder in a circular motion. That was how Ren helped Xavier control his anger when Talon first came out.

As for Ren, though he gets angry in rare cases. Xavier learned that the most favorable way to calm him down was to press down his pulse on his left wrist. Each time Xavier did that, Ren's anger would always fade.

"Are you okay now?" Ren whispered and Xavier nodded.

Chief Keef cleared his throat awkwardly and looked away.

"This mate of yours, where is she? Let's see her" Chief Luckard spoke up.

"I hope she isn't pregnant yet" Chief Flouren snickered.

Everyone shot a dirty glare at him and he gulped awkwardly.

"Mind what you say, Flouren" Chief Lake scolded.

"I will go get her," Meda said and left the room.

Ren and Xavier made eye contact and Xavier opened the mind link.

'This is going to be bad' He sighed as Ren agreed with him.