Chapter-10: Trials of The Dragon[2]

"Tell me son, What do you think they are doing?", the shabbily dressed man asked the kid. Behind them a couple of kids were fighting among each other, one of them, a tall blonde kid was trying to punch a black haired kid, but was being held back by the other kids.

"They are fighting among themselves.", the kid replied quickly. The man smirked a little and replied, "No they are not, they are merely trying to take out their frustration out. This is not a fight."

"So what's a fight then?" the kid asked.

"A fight... You'll understand when you'll be in it."


A light tap woke me up with a start from my sleep on my own drool. I jerked back up and looked at the person who woke me up.

"Ah Little Miss Criminal is here."

"Don't call me that, please.", Riko replied, her face red with anger and her eyes a little moist.

"Please sit down, Little Miss Criminal." I said ignoring her, "I'll be back in just a second.", and getting up heading towards the washroom towards the left of the main reception. I could see the Milly and her friends sitting at the second to the last seats, obviously there go to seats, or favorite in other words. Briefly, just for a second our eyes met as the deep brown eyes peered into me. Then she turned around and started talking to her friends again.

How I envy her.

I made my way to the washroom, and went inside. It was a spartan washroom, with cubicles towards the right and back and washbasins on the left. I quickly made my way towards them Turning the tap on and putting my specs on the basin side I splashed my face with some cold water. I needed to think my game plan.

Before going asleep I had gotten the file on Riko by X. It had some interesting stuff in it. Orphaned at the age of 6, taken in by the aunt and uncle, abused by the aunt until the uncle rescued her and most probably still abused. More importantly, she claimed to be able to see her parents spirits as wraiths. Diagnosed with Multiple Personality disorder.

But what doctors didn't knew was that she actually was in possession of a Class-2 spirit. A spirit that does what ever it seems necessary in order to ensure her survival. Anything.

About 10 kills confirmed with multiple MO on them, only thing common was that nothing was common. Males and Females between the age of 18-25, some killed with blunt objects and some with sharp objects.

She was deadly. But more like a blunt object, a hammer.

All she saw was nails.

She needed to molded into a knife. A weapon, A tool.

A tool that could be used for the order.

I splashed my face with cold water and wiped it with a napkin. A small smile formed on my face. This was just like my time in the special forces, training recruits.

Ah, fun times.

Checking my watch, 1542, I made my way back to the table.

Millie and her friends were still sitting, chatting with each other while Riko was still solemnly sitting at her table, alone and fidgety.

I pulled the chair in front of her and sat down.

"You said that you could get rid of the hands," Riko said.

"If you wanna come rock with me, then strap up cause there isn't nobody stopping me, Riko," I could feel a cold smile coming on my face as I said this. "I cannot get rid of them, for that you'll need to get forgiveness by a priest. However I can help you not be able to see them."

"How?" she said a little bit of excitement coming in her voice.

"I can just do it, or do you want me to explain it to you?"

She vigorously nodded towards my direction.

"Okay", I said removing my glasses and handing them to her," These are special glasses, capable of negating the abilities of your eyes. You see, you are a spiriter, a sub-class of a beholder,"

Seeing nothing but blankness on her face, I continued.

"A beholder is a person who is chosen by the world spirit in order to get powers. In short they are people with special abilities given these special abilities by the world spirit, either by an artifact, pact or bloodline. As for you, I suspect you have a pact with the spirit inside you,"


"Just wear the damn glasses," I said, my voice getting a little higher.

People don't understand that Information is key, and the information I gave is not common knowledge.

Timidly she reached out for the spectacles and lifting them up by its nape, she gently brushed her hair aside as tried them on.

"H-How, How do I look?"

Her brown eyes peered down into me, her green hair lightly brushed gently aside, perfectly complementing her skin color. Nobody would say she was beautiful, but they would be lying.

"I have decided, I am gonna teach you. I am gonna teach you how to survive. From now on you are the student of Cassius," I gently stood up as I tried to suppress a laugh," Be proud of yourself, because from now on you are on a journey to became a weapon that shall scare even the gods themselves."

With the same blank look on her face as before she looked at me, confused.

"Student? wea...weapon? gods? What are you saying?".

"I wasn't talking to you RIko. I was talking to her, the other you. On that note, what shall I call you?"

I put my hand on my chin, thinking.

A name, a name.

Something fitting for some one who fought from the darkness, someone who was quick and true to strike. Someone who's each strike was lethal and planned beforehand. Someone who a snake, a serpent of death.

Like a flash inspiration hit me.

I turned my back towards her, hiding my smile from her. Yes. My new weapon.
