The heart with a hole

The view was blurred. He couldn't clearly make out the faces of the two people he was seeing. But he recognized them nonetheless.

One of them was a young little boy. He was wearing a blue t-shirt with a jeans quarter pant which ended slightly below his knees. He had both of his hands pressed on his left chest. His hands were enveloped by another pair of elegant white hands.

Those white hands belonged to a beautiful woman who was somewhere around her thirties.

She was facing the boy, squatting down, with the hem of her long white gown spreading around the ground.

She then flashed a smile so entrancing as if her smile can even make the devil lay his heart bare.

Then she spoke to the boy with gentle soothing voice.

"Listen to me very carefully, Sam. This place place right here."

She then slowly released her hands that were enveloping the boy's hand and placed her pointed index finger to where the boys hands were pressed together and continued.

"Here lies your heart."

"What is a heart?" asked the boy.

The woman slightly chuckled at the innocence of the boy. And answered his questions.

"A heart is a place where God lives. It is the symbol of our existence. It is the symbol of love."

"Love, as in the way mommy loves you." she added this when the boy made a perplexed face at that word. After hearing that the boy couldn't hide his joy.

But then the tone of her voice became serious.

"But your heart is different from the heart of other people."

"Why is that mommy?"

"Because your heart has a small hole." She was trying her hardest but tears flowed from her eyes without asking for her permission.

The boy then extended his right hand towards her cheek and wiped her tears with his small thumb.

"Is having a hole in heart bad? Is that why you are crying mommy?"

"No no. It is a very special thing that only special people like Sam can have." She clumsily wiped her tears with the sleeves of her dress.

She then again faced the boy with smile on her face.

"You having a hole in your heart isn't a bad thing. Most people have the holes in their heart patched and because of that they can contain only so much love and affection and and give only so much love and affection to others. But on the other the hole in your heart won't be patched. So you can accept infinite amount of love and give infinite amount of love." After hearing this the boy was on cloud nine.

"But...." The woman's voice once again grew serious.

"Beacuse of this your heart is very delicate and requires more protection and care."

"Sam, just promise me one thing. No matter what happens, from now onwards, you will never let anyone harm your heart. Never involve yourself in fights or even in small brawls. Even if you did get involved in a fight, never let anyone hit your chest region otherwise it can damage your delicate heart and you will not be able to love anyone anymore."

That innocent young boy took her words seriously and with determination in his eyes he said,"Okay, mommy.I promise."

After hearing his response, the woman gently caressed his head.

" Huh..."

He felt as if someone had just splashed some cold water on his face. He tried to open his eyes but his eyelids were heavy. After blinking few times his vision became clear.

A blonde haired boy was standing next to him with a bottle in his hands.


"Finally awake, huh.Just lie down for a while. I'm gonna inform RIta." Saying that the blonde haired boy went somewhere.

He kept staring at the ceiling for a while. The ceiling he was looking at was familiar to him. He turned around to scan his surroundings. Some spare vehicle parts were scattered in the ground.

There was a round brown table at the corner with some papers on it.

He was currently lying down on a black sofa and there was a white blanket-sort of cloth on his top.

He tried to slowly stand up, supporting his body with his hands.

He then sat on the sofa with his feet flat on the floor and his back supported fully by the sofa.

Gently raising his right hand he covered half of his face with the palm of his hand and stayed in the same position for a while.


Just after muttering those words a single streak of tear ran down his cheek. He then wiped the tears with his sleeve. He then shook his head left to right and right to left in quick successions to check if someone was around.

Just when he was checking whether anyone had seen him crying or not, he felt as if someone was approaching him from behind.

He turned around to find a beautiful young girl with golden hair and with eyes of the same color glaring at him.

Without the girl saying anything, he understood what was on her mind and immediately apologized to her.

"I'm sorry."

"How many times has it been now? You don't listen to me, do you?" The girl then sighed as if she had given up and sat beside him.

"You know that you are forbidden from doing heavy works here in the garage. But you pay no heed and do it regardless. I have told you not to involve yourselves in these fights, but whenever someone calls you, you just can't refuse and most of the time you end up passing out like this. And every time I see you pass out my breath catches in my throat. Seriously, stop worrying me now, you idiot."

The girl lecturing him right now like his mother was her childhood friend Rita Blanca. They have been very close since their childhood days. They even attended the same school. Rita was his most trustworthy friend and a second-mother figure to him despite both being the same age.

Rita then reached out her hand and started caressing his cheeks.

With a worrysome look on her eyes she started speaking.

"Hey, Sam. Promise me. From now onwards, no matter what happens, you won't do these heavy works that put stress to your heart and you won't get involved in these fights." When Rita finished saying so Sam was taken aback. Just a while ago, he had heard similar words in his dream.

The dream he had seen just a while ago were the events that had happened after the first time he had passed out. The beautiful lady that was saying those words to him was none other than his mother, who had adopted him, Elaina.

And right now, her childhood friend was saying those exact things. He couldn't help but smile and this time tears flooded from his eyes as he was no longer to hold them.

"Why are y--"

Rita couldn't complete her sentence as Sam latched onto her and hugged her tightly burying his face in her chest. She returned his hug with a genuine smile on her face and started patting his back.

Still burying his face onto her chest he muttered in a low voice,

"I promise.... "