The clues and the fight

"Dr. Hermann Kacee,huh?"

At the moment Sam was rummaging through his late mother's room and searching for the informations regarding Kath Town Royal Hospital.

When he was searching desperately, looking for something related to that hospital, he found her internship certificate in the cabinet near her bed. It was stated there that she had worked under Dr. Hermann Kacee for two years. While he was reading those certificates his eyes suddenly fixed on a certain point.

It was written there that Dr. Hermann Kacee was a cardiologist. He thought that his heart disease and this doctor might be related somehow. But after a while he brushed it off as a mere coincidence.

But since he was also a heart patient he thought that when he goes to meet Dr.Kacee he will have him examined as well. Like killing two birds with one stone.

He was searching in his late mother's room because of what his dad or at least that was what he called him until now, said earlier.

He had said that Elaina was not her actual mother but she had adopted him during her stay at Kath town. He wanted to know what had actually happened. He wanted to know why had she adopted him. He also wanted to meet his real parents, if they were alive and within his reach.

After searching for about an hour more, he found no other important clues. Then he sat in the bed and took a deep sigh. Just as he was about to lay down his phone vibrated.

Without looking at the screen he reluctantly answered the call. He held his phone to his ear and started speaking.


"Where are you now? Come to Brim right away. Do you remeber the guys from the incident a while ago?They have started a fight here. They have rods with them. I don't think only the three of us will be enough. I have also called Rita. Now, come fast, Sam!!!" Sam was cut away by this voice and the owner of the voice was panting heavily.

He then remembered the incident that took place a while ago. To be precise about a month ago.

A young petite girl who was stunningly beautiful had come to their garage for servicing her scooter. When the girl had just crossed the gate of their garage two boys started hounding on her.

Sam and his childhood friend had seen that and given a good beating to those two and punched some sense and morale into their heads. They had thought those two will come looking for revenge. But they had showed no signs of doing so for about a month and Sam had completely forgotten about that.

And now they were attacking their garage at Brim.

"Really now. Why did this had to happen now of all times?"

This statement wasn't directed to anybody at particular. His mother had died about a week ago, and his dad had revealed a shocking truth just yesterday and now an inevitable fight was happenning.

"God really has no mercy for me." saying so he sighed.

He then quickly rose to his feet and hurried down the stairs grabbing the key that was hanging at the door. He then picked up the helmet that was placed at one of the handles of his bike, started the bike and then rode as fast as he could.

After about 5 minutes he crossed a signboard which read 'Brim' and finally started to see the gate of his garage.

Upon arriving a bit closer he could make out the silhouette of some people with rods in their hand. He also spotted those two from a week ago. A fierce fight was going on in front of his eyes.

He then rather stylishly jumped from his bike and landed a solid kick on the head of one of the men while the bike went crashing on to one of the cars in his garage. The windshield of the car shattered into pieces upon impact and the bumper also took some major damage.

The man who received the kick then fell on the ground and didn't show any signs of moving. Apparently his kick dealt a major damage to the opponent.

"Took you long enough." said one of the man lying on the ground coughing a bit of blood.

"Seeing you beaten up by these guys makes you look so pathetic that I wanna have a laugh right now." said Sam rather jokingly.

"You son of a bitch" just when Roger finished his sentence a rod came swinging towards him aiming at his head.

He grabbed the rod with his left hand and landed a good punch on his stomach.The man crouched with his hands pressed onto his stomach.

Another arm came swinging towards him from behind. He dodged the punch by slightly lowering his head. And without giving him any time he turned around and gave him a solid kick on his neck.

That man was now kissing the ground. Then suddenly a man with somewhat good muscle build appeared before him from nowehere and gave a kick on his chest.

Upon receiving the blow his face contorted with pain. The kick itself wasn't that strong but since the kick landeded near his chest region it also affected his heart. Beacuse of that, pain was surging throughout his body.

Suddenly his vision became dizzy. He was now losing consciousness. He fell to his kness with his both hands pressed onto his left chest region.

That man was about to give another kick to his head who was now on his knees and completely defenseless. Then suddenly the man was kicked from behind.


That man slowly hit the ground with a blunt noise and was now lying on the ground with his face down.

From his now blurred eyes he could make out the silhouette of a girl somewhat around his age. Her golden hair fluttering in the wind while turning her back to him.

He could hear his friend's war cry from afar as they were beating their opponents without mercy and even enjoying the fight.

The girl who was standing in front of him slightly turned her head while Sam still faced her back and she watched him from over her shoulders.

Her bright smile on her beautiful face was the last thing he saw before his consciousness completely faded away.