The first meeting

"There is a party in the Lockwood mansion tonight. Lots of people are invited there. I think it's the best time for you to sneak inside and complete the task you are given with", said the woman. "And don't make mistake."

The man silently left to outright his mission leaving the woman in her deep thoughts.

[Today might be the day after such a long forbearance. It will be end to our stand by and beginning for someone else's end. The storm is coming and we need to be preparing with everything we can. Soon there will be signs for the nexus between the past and present and the foundation for the new future will be laid. This time we will make it better. This is the responsibility I was given with.]


Twenty three years back.....

"This box contains the weapon and key to stop "Droch fhola". We have to make sure it does not fall into the wrong hands. It is our responsibility", said the woman.

"I will take care of it. Me and my family will be its keeper for generations", suggested the beautiful and strong leader of the powerful werewolf pack, Amanda Lockwood.

"Are you sure, it will not be just a responsibility. Seekers might come to your door for this box and threaten your loved ones for its power", reminded the woman.

"Of course they will come and we will be prepared for them. It's not about the responsibility and power anymore. It's about restoring the lost glory of werewolves' clan. Never ever again they will be defiled and corrupted. It's my pledge bounded by my blood with my future generations", declared by Nadia Lockwood.

"I think Mystic-burgh is the best place to hide the box from vampires and other creatures. This is the last place they will search for it. This town belongs to the werewolves from centuries. No vampire will think of coming here ever again until the nightfall of equinox with similar lunar mansion", said another voice. "And that's not going to happen in another twenty three years.


"So, how do I look?" asked Sophia by showing her long navy blue gown in circles.

Aisha clapped her little hands and gave her approval with a polite smile. "I too want to go. Take me pleaseee", said Aisha with a pout.

"Oh darling, don't make it difficult for me with such a adorable face. I am going for a business meeting purpose. But I will make it up for you. Tomorrow, we will go for a lunch date. Only you and me after a movie", entreated Sophia and Aisha gladly accepted the arrangement.

"Diana and you have fun. I got to go". Sophia gave Aisha a chaste kiss and nodded a goodbye to the Diana.


It's weird how I fell right now. I don't know why I am feeling so nervous. Might be the new place and surroundings are making me nervous. When I entered the mansion, it was clear that Lockwood's are not only influential but also wealthy. Like hell a lot wealthy. The party is being held at the back garden of the mansion. Huge garden!!! It's like whole town is here for the party and yet the place was not crowded. I spotted Mr. Smith at the same time he noticed me making an entrance through the garden door.

He excused himself from the group he was surrounded with and moved towards me.

"You look beautiful", said Mr. Smith with a sweet smile and by the way he said it I knew he is being sincere. "Care for a drink".

"No, I am not good with alcohol. I and booze are not a good combination. Trust me", said Sophia.

"Common it's just one drink. No harm will come through it and after all it's a party." Mr. Smith turned around to the wine cellar and returned with a glass init without his hand. Sophia politely accepts without refusing any further.

Mr. Smith led the Sophia's way towards a group of fine gentlemen encircling him. Sophia only sees his back but there is something strange about him which made her feel in the way she herself is not sure. And then he turned his back to face her. That was the moment everything stopped. Everything was still. She felt alive once again. She felt relieved for one split second before she is wade to come back from her dream land into the world of reality. She found herself staring to the man and much to her surprise the man was staring back and everybody else were staring them both. That was really awkward.

Mr. Smith cleared his throat and introduced me to the Alan Lockwood. Alan smiled towards me and my heart skipped a beat. As if it was not less he made his gesture for a hand shake and I hesitated for once but accepted his motion with a polite smile trying very hard for not letting show anyone my goofiness. God, everybody might think I am silly.

Before anything else could have happened and this embarrassing night became into the chaotic one, one of the workers ran towards us and informed us that someone was sneaking around the restricted area of the mansion and when they tried to stop him he attacked them and ran away. This made Alan leave the party at that instant even without saying goodbyes.

Mr. Smith said, "May be today is not the right time for this meeting. We will arrange something later. Until then." Mr. Smith left after this leaving Sophia in between these bizarre events. She is not thinking about the meeting. It's not the meeting the cares for now. She decided to return home to call a night.


"What did you do exactly?" asked the woman in the most polite way she can.

"I know I messed up but no one suspected me for sure. And moreover it has started. We will get another chance. Just a little bit of more patience." said the man.

"Patience!!!" said the woman in the long black coat in a soft voice and then shouted on the man-front of her, "I DON'T HAVE PATIENCE. I HAVE WAITED LONG ENOUGH. EITHER WE ACT NOW OR WE DIE. AND REMEMBER WHEN I SAID US, I ACTUALLY MEAN YOU."

Panic rose in the each nerve of the man and he knew there is no escape. He will die for sure. It's unfortunate that he is in the middle of war where only death lays. But there is no turning back. It's bigger than him, any one life. A lot was at stake.

"Now, do you have courtesy of explaining why in the holy world a simple task is taking so much time? I mean don't you have any desire to keep your life or you keep a death wish," asked the woman politely but in the clear threatening voice.

This made the man weak on knees and he started shaking and trembling.

The woman is exhausted by the weakness of the poor creature in-front of her but right now she has no other choice. Everything is at risk and she is not going to lose this war. It's bigger than her life. It's bigger than anything she has known and wished for. She knew exactly what's coming and she is still not sure if she is prepared or not. But there is no way a stupid man is going to be responsible for ruining everything she has helped built until now.

"This is your last chance. Get me the box at any by tomorrow morning or run as far as you can because if I catch you and I will, there will be no mercy", said the woman with such finality in her voice that man has understood that it's not just a mere threat. The woman is crazy and she will do what she says.

With all the power and guts he could gathered, he asked "What if Lockwoods try to get in the middle again-

"Then you kill them. YOU KILL THEM ALL", declared the woman and there were n further question.

"Don't even think about it", announced someone.