Behind the curtains

It's not important to find all the answers in one go. Seekers need to seek for all the answers they want to seek but actual responsibility of truth falls on the shoulders of those who knows it. The responsibility like that is not easy and it is does not suppose to be.


"Don't even think about it."

Both heads shot at the direction from where voice has came. Woman made a tiresome huff and gesture the man to leave the room at that instant. She returned her attention to the person standing in front of her knowing exactly where this conversation is going to go.

"You are early. Was party not fun," asked the woman.

"Oh it was fun really. Apparently there was some change of events when your dog decided to ruin it by going through a tiff with Lockwood's home staff. Care to explain."

"You were going slowly", retorted Diana.

"You are being reckless and unworthy of my trust Diana."

"What does that mean? How could you say that? I am your true alliance-

"Don't even try to make it about yourself. I know about your extra-curricular activities. I think this little piece of shit belongs to you". Sophia showed the same blanket to Sophia which was used to cover the Alisha at the day of disappearance. It was the same blanket which baffled Sophia by its mere existence.

That was not something expected by the Diana. She was not prepared for this. But no matter what she has to think of some way to get out of this mess.

"It was a test for you."

"A test-

"Yes. You are losing focus. You are again making the same mistake and I am not going to let that happen."

"By trying to kidnap Aisha", Sophia asked with an unbelieving face.

"She is coming in between our mission", replied Diana with a straight face.

"No, she isn't. You are being impossible. It was decided that we together, i repeat again together, will make sure that nothing comes in between this. Bringing Alisha here only helps in our plan. We will not get any suspicion. It was so simple. But you, you want to tackle everything in your way. And that's not something I approve."

"Your approval doesn't count-

"Oh, really. Is that so? Then I leave everything in your capable hands. You think you are capable by yourself. Okay. No problem. Do it. I dare you."

"Don't make it difficult. I don't-

"You know what a mere witch like you can be easily replaced but is there any substitute for me. You want to try it that way. "

Diana kept her silence knowing it the best for now.

"We do it in my way, with patience. Because my darling, if anything I have learned in these years is patience. And believe me or not patience is virtue. So, you want to do it together or not."

With a sigh, Diana accepted the truce.

"Another thing, don't do anything in haste. And not with these kind of amateurs. We have to act smart. Otherwise, nothing matters. Getting that box is only the first step. We need Lockwood's assistance after that too. We need to act carefully and smartly for that."

Then Smart it is, thought Diana.

Sophia left the room to check on Aisha who was sleeping in her room. Sophia sits on the edge of her bed and stared her for few minutes. After that she left her before placing a good night kiss in her forehead.


Next day was carried out exactly according to Aisha's liking. Sophia took her for a movie and after that lunch. They were deciding what to order when Sophia's phone rang. She picked up the cell phone which was call for another surprise on the other hand of receiver.

Sophia's POV


"Hello. Ms. Sophia Blake?"

"Yes. May I know who this is?"

"Alan. Alan Lockwood."

This made Sophia froze for a minute.

"Hello. Sophia?" repeated Alan in order to get some response.

"YAA... Ummm. Hii"


"Umm.. How did you get this number? I don't remember sharing it."


"Sebastian? Who?"

"Sebastian Smith."

"Oh... Mr. Smith. I am sorry. I don't know him on the first name basis."

"I understand. It's professional. You don't expect to know him on first name basis."

"So, you called. Why did you call?"

[That's awkward.]

"I wanted to apologize for yesterday."

"Ohh... no no no no no, not at all. No. no. no"

[That's a lot no.]

"That's a lot no."

That came as a surprise for her. "What? I mean yes, meaning no. I mean...

Sophia took a break and composed herself. Then she said, "Is that all?"

[Really embarrassing.]

"I was thinking about a meet."


"Yaa. For the Historical society."

"Ohh.. Yes. We need to meet."

"So what about now?"

"Now? Like now now..

[That was loud.]

"Is there any problem?"

"No no. No problem. [Stop it, she thinks.] I was out for lunch so may be not now or today. What about tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow is not possible. Actually I am going out of town for a week. Some family matter."

[What Family matter?]

"Okay then we can arrange it after you return."

"You know what that's too late. How about this? We meet now and have lunch and at the same time we can discuss business. I mean if you are comfortable."

"I am not alone."

"Ohh... Date or something?"


"Perfect. Text me the location."

Sophia texted him the location and Aisha was staring right at her.

"What", Sophia asked.

"Your face is red like tomato", Aisha said pointed her finger towards Sophia.

"Whaa... Eat your food."

"We haven't ordered yet."

"Then drink your water and order your food."

"You are being weird."

Sophia opened her mouth to say something but decided against it. She needs to choose her words carefully now. But Aisha was right she was being weird.