An unexpected encounter

"How dare you?" Sophia's voice was full of disgust and disbelief. Tyson being alive all these years is one thing and standing with such attitude is totally another. She could not believe anything now. This man was once the closest thing as a family to her and now he seems so distant, so away. There is nothing she could feel to connect with him.

"I have been always daring love if you remember…

"Don't call me that", shouted Sophia before letting Tyson complete his sentence.

Tyson smiled and this made Sophia wince more. She looked like she is in pain.

"You are being paranoid just for nothing. And I come bearing gifts for you. I thought you would like it" Tyson said indicating the body. "Like old days, I thought it would be a good thing to have a get together with some old and some new friends. Right… Diana is it? Well sorry for making mess and for your friend"

The statement alerted Diana and she quickly understood that the body belonged to Dard. Diana had no attachment with the man but he was the only person she could trust and now he was dead. This was not acceptable to her. Sophia on the other hand was not listening to anything Tyson had said. It has been a shocking turn of event for her. She kept staring at Tyson with her piercing eyes. She was so angry that she could feel the growing blood pressure in her veins. But Tyson on the other hand was very cool of all this.

"Why kill a poor man?" Diana asked.

"Why? Why would I kill a poor man? Hmm… May be because he was poor" Tyson laughed sarcastically as if it was the best joke he ever came with.

"Why did you kill him?" asked Sophia with a very serious tone.

"I thought you are going to answer for that" said Tyson with a straight face.

Sophia knew Tyson very well. He was never an answer giving person. You cannot expect him to tell you something until he wants or he had no choice. Moreover, Sophia didn't care why he made a kill. He killed someone was enough to hate him more.

"Leave my house this instant or I am going to call the police" Sophia threatened Tyson.

"I think that's a very great idea. Let's call the police. We would have very much to tell them about a lot of things. Especially how this body is connected to you or your friend?" Tyson knew exactly what he was doing.

Diana understood that calling police can cause much harm to them than to Tyson Lockwood. And the fact cannot be denied that he is a Lockwood after all. Nobody would believe them. If they will accuse Tyson for the killing and they on the other hand would welcome number of troubles they are not ready to welcome at this moment.

"It would be better for you to leave for now. Leave before she makes up her mind of punishing you with her bare hands" Diana said in a low but threatening voice. But it only made Tyson smiled and replied "You don't get to threaten me witch. I will make sure for you see who is scarier. Have a bit of Patience"

"Good night Ladies" Tyson said while leaving.

"C'mon we need to remove this body quickly" said Diana. Sophia helped Diana carry the body bury under the backyard. It was only the temporary measure for now. Sophia gathered all the wipes and towels to clean the surface and table. They decided to discard the towels, wipes and other objects covered with blood at a far distance from their house to avoid any chance of them being caught in the middle of this incident. Diana collected everything in a big dumping bag and left for the purpose of hiding the truth. When she returned, everything seems normal as nothing happened. The floor, house, kitchen and table, everything was clean.

"It's going to be morning in two hours. We should rest a bit" Diana said and both the ladies went to their rooms.

Few hours later…

Sophia kept shuffling in her bed. She decided to have a good, warm bath which might make her feel relaxed. After taking a long shower, she was drying her hairs when she heard the bell rung. She went on to check who was on the door and was taken aback by watching two men in the uniforms. The sight of Dard's dead body lying on the kitchen table was the first thing came up on her mind.

"Any problem officer?" asked Sophia with a polite voice. She was trying to keep her best not to look nervous in front of the officers.

"And who am I talking to?" asked one of the Officer.

"Sophia Blake" Sophia answered.

"Might need an I.D Miss Blake" Even though Sophia was trying her best not to be seem vulnerable but she was getting weak in her knees.

"Very well. I will get it but can you please tell me what the problem here is?" Sophia tried to inquire once again.

"Here, I.D". Diana brought both her and Sophia's I.D. to the officers. Sophia was relieved to see Diana behind her.

"Everything is fine officer?" This time Diana was the one asking.

"It depends" Sophia heard a familiar voice. She saw a familiar figure approaching in her direction.

"Officer Pattrick?" Sophia asked.

"Good to see you. But not good considering the circumstances" answered Officer Pattrick."

"And what circumstances are we talking about Officer?" asked Diana.

Officer Pattrick showed a picture to the Sophia. "Do you know him?"

And Sophia knew the man in the photo very well. How could she forget? This was the same man she never talked with a straight face. This man made her feel annoyed and this very man was the reason for the tragic night yesterday. It was Dard. Sophia mustered all the courage she could and spoke with confidence "No Officer. I never say that man in my life" Sophia said with a straight face. "But what does it has to do with us?"

"Well, Miss Blake a complaint has been filed yesterday by his friend that this man was attacked while talking on the phone. His name is Dard. Dard was speaking on the phone when he was attacked and his friend Mark heard some voices over the phone" Officer Pattrick explained about the Dard being attacked.

"What voices?" Sophia asked in wonder. Not like she cared but she had to put up the façade in front of Officers.

"Voices of struggling or something. Well, he again tried to reach out to him but when he failed in doing that. He came to us" Pattrick told the ladies as if it was the obvious thing and for them it was really.

"And what brings you to us in all that?" This was the question Sophia wanted to know from such a long time.

"His last location is from here. He was here yesterday when he was attacked" answered Pattrick finally.

Sophia and Diana knew instantly that the rough night is not over yet.