Never ending trouble

Alan came back from the run. Running always helped him think better, process better. He was going to be the next alpha of the pack. He should be very good by now. It's not long when the council will ask for his official seat with them and the leader of the pack. But something was not ready inside him. Moreover, his uncle Tyson arrival after so many years had brought nothing but chaos in their life. It was weird too. All they knew about him was a name and nothing more could have known about him. No one ever spoke about him or discuss anything about him. He was a forbidden topic to discus declared by her mother and now there he was an extended member of their family. He reached his mansion only to found young boys gathered around. On his arrival, everybody move aside to make some room for him. He went forward to have a proper look on what was happening. He found Michael, the beta and second in command of his pack.

"What's going on?" Alan asked Michael.

"We are told to bring some new recruits in the inner circle on the probationary basis" answered Michel.

"What? Who gave such instructions and why did I not know any of it?" Alan had no idea of such an instruction given by him and there was no other way for pack to work itself without his instructions and orders. It was not an option for pack to do such things by themselves. The werewolves were the creatures bound by one another and most importantly to the alpha. The alpha's decision has to be the final words and his words have to be the decision body for everyone in the pack. His pack was not just his responsibility but the whole town was. It always had been is family forte to look after the town and the people inside it whether they are werewolves or humans. The town belonged to every person inside the town but the rule was with no doubt belonged to the werewolves.

"I did the orders" Tyson declared. It was not the ordinary thing to do in front an alpha. It's like challenging the authority of one even if the alpha is not official. Alan was the alpha and there was no question about it. All was needed an official ceremony and announcement to commence his official status in the pack but before that no one had the audacity to challenge him. Official or not, he was the alpha.

"And who allowed you to do that?" Alan asked over angrily.

"I am sorry. I meant no harm. I was just taking appropriate steps to help my beloved nephew" Tyson replied with vigilance.

"I don't need your care. I am letting it one time go but do not take any other decision on your own regarding the pack or this town" remarked Alan.

"Sure thing. I will remember that" Tyson knew exactly not to contradict with an alpha. He might be elder by age but he had no authority over Alan. He was the family but to the pack, he was still an outsider.

"Good" Alan replied while leaving the conversation with Tyson.

Alan went inside her house. Michael followed him there. "Alpha, I need to report something to you" Michael said while trying to match the pace with Alan.

"What is it?" asked Alan.

"The police called. They found something" answered Michael.

"What is it?" Alan was himself waiting for some update on the issue. It did not look good that something happened inside his house in his presence and they have no answer f that, they could not figure out what exactly happened. But now this news was something looks up to. Something is always better than nothing. Although, he would prefer to know everything.

"I told them to brief us on the proceedings of this case personally. When should I tell them to come for a meet?" asked Michael.

Alan thought about it and decided to discuss this matter in the Sheriff's department only as he did not want Tyson to know about it. It was not like he had doubts on him but he just did not trust him. He told Michael to get ready in an hour for visiting the Sheriff's station and same to be informed to them.

He reached his room and decided to call up Sarah. He did not get to talk to her after that incident and wanted badly to speak with her. As he was calling her, there was no response. She was not picking up he tried again but still there was no response. He thought of trying it again later wards and went for a shower.


"His last location is from here. He was here yesterday when he was attacked" answered Pattrick finally.

"And what brings you to us in all that?" This was the question Sophia wanted to know from such a long time.

"His last location is from here. He was here yesterday when he was attacked" answered Pattrick finally.

"That's very surprising but we saw nothing. And we were not here yesterday. We were at the Lockwood mansion" Sophia had a strong alibi even in this mess.

"I understand. We are not accusing you of anything but your house is the last location his phone went off. We expect you to cooperate. Can we look around? Please" Pattrick asked Sophia as if it is not any trouble but just a formality.

Sophia looked towards Diana and nodded okay as there was nothing to go against them. They made sure of that. But the phone the Officer Pattrick was talking about? She doesn't remember coming across Dard's phone while cleaning or burying the body. May be the phone was in his pocket. But they checked his pockets. No phone was found. May be it would have fell somewhere inside the house. Oh my god… and she let the police to check inside. What if they actually found it? May be near the table, under the table? What if blood marks are still there? May be faintly visible but still there? Her head was spooning with the questions and she was cursing Tyson for all that. She had a very strong feeling that Tyson is behind all this wretched turn of events. She will not let him win this time. He will surely pay for his deeds this time.

"Nothing found Sir" Someone said from inside the house. Sophia sighed with relief. Diana stood near her and said "Relax now. We are clean"

"I was afraid that what if they found the phone inside?" worried Sophia.

"Not possible. We were thorough with the cleaning remember. There is nothing there" reminded Diana.

Diana words made Sophia confident and the police left the house.

"Sorry for the inconvenience. I hope you don't mind. May be he was around when he was attacked and then left. Anything could have happened. You need not to worry about that" Pattrick's words were the harbinger of soothes and calmness inside Sophia's head.

"Yeah… I understand. Don't worry and thank you. I wish you find whatever you are looking for" Sophia said calmly for the first time without any hint of panic in her voice.

"Thanks. Will see you later…" Pattrick said the last words to Sophia and bid farewell.

"Sure…" replied Sophia.

Pattrick turned to leave in his police car. Sophia smiled towards the Pattrick as he was leaving. Both Sophia and Diana waited for the Pattrick to leave. Once the car was long gone, Sophia left the breath she didn't know she was holding. She along with Diana went inside her house.

"How could you allow them to enter inside? What if they would have found something?" Diana asked Sophia"

"I was scared too. But if we had stop them then that could be doubtful" Sopha replied.

Diana approved Sophia's thought. "Did you dispose his cell phone?" Diana questioned Sophia.

"I thought you were the one who carried all his belongings for dumping" Sophia reminded Diana.

"So where's his cell phone? Where is my cell phone?" Diana wondered.

"Look around. Must be here, somewhere" Sophia said warily.

Sophia and Diana looked around in search of her phone. Diana suddenly remembered that she left her hand bag in her car. Her cell phone must be there.

"I think I remember where it is. I will just come" said Diana.

Diana returned with her hand bag on one hand and her cell phone other. "I found it" Sarah sighed and nodded yes to her. She turned back and went to pick up a chair and sat on her. She putted her legs up and leaned back with her head resting and eyes closed.

"I don't remember anything about the phone" Sophia was whining about the phone once again.

"Better forget about it. It's not our problem now. We are safe" Diana said while putting her hand bag on the table and going in the kitchen to pour her a glass of water.

"Sounds good" Sophia had relaxed listening to the last statement made by Diana. She was felling lot better but her mind was not allowing her to feel too good. There was something about the Dard's cell phone she could not let go. Her mind went too far to even hearing his cell phone ringtone. "I really need to calm my nerves down. The cell phone ringtone is echoing in my ears and is all over my mind.

Diana was taking a sip from her glass when she heard the ringtone "It's an actual ringtone, not your mind"

"Well, it can't be mine. It's not my ringtone" said Sophia. She looked on her phone only to found two missed calls from Alan but they were from the previous hours.

"Neither is it mine" explicated Diana while checking her cell phone.

Both the women were startled by the voice and they started searching for the cell phone. They tried to make out the voice direction from where it was coming and they did. It was coming from the Diana's hand bag. She went to the table and put down her glass. She picked up her hand bad and checked inside it. And there it was lying all along when whole town police was searching for it. It was the moment bewilderment because neither Diana nor Sophia could understand its presence there especially in her hand bag. There was no way she put it there. Why would she do that? She never discovered it from the last night incident on Dard's body or anywhere. Both the women were sure of that. There was something definitely not right about it. On this perplexed situation, the only thing Sophia came up was a set up. She gathered as much by her sixth sense that this has to be someone's doing.

"It's a trap" Sophia exclaimed to Diana and following her words came the police barging inside her house. Pattrick was standing right in front of them with few other officers behind him. They held the gun and there was no way out for Diana and Sophia. Police noticed the victim's cell phone in Diana's hand.

"You are under arrest" Pattrick went with declaration.