The inexhaustible debate

A woman wearing long gown walked down an alley besides which were long ornamental plants of unknown species prevailed. Many Nymphs were decorating these plants. It looked like they were preparing were some celebration. The woman went down the alley which was followed by an immense hall which leads to a garden where more Nymphs were present. In the middle of the garden, another woman was standing by holding a color palette for painting on the canvas in front of her. She was standing with her back facing towards the woman who entered the garden. Her painting was dark. It was like an abstract but full of story. No amateur could understand the depth of colors used or the streaks made on the canvas.

"You look in haste Tiana" the woman with palette said without turning towards Tiana.

"That's a new one" Tiana pointed towards the painting while catching her breath.

"You noticed. Lovely" the woman smiled. She turned towards Tiana and Nymphs took away the palette from her. She was beautiful, young but maturity could be clearly seen on her face. Her aura belonged to one of the royalty. She moved towards Tiana. Her walk was confident and her stature was intimidating but not for Tiana. Tiana was one of the very few person she believed in, trust in and that is the most important thing for Tiana than any treasure. She had sworn her life, her belied and her trust to her Queen and she shall never go against the words she swore.

"So what is it now?" Queen asked.

"How do you know that I found something?" Tiana was surprised that Queen knew her purpose of visit.

"I always know that. I know everything remembers. Especially about you" Queen said proudly.

"That's intimidating but you are right" Tiana accepted Queen's words with a smile.

"So what is it or should I say; who is it?" Queen was keen to know what Tiana has found although she did not keep her hopes high not because she did not trust Tiana but mostly because it was hard to get what they wished for.

��It's a girl" Tiana answered gladly as it was the most important thing in the world.

"A girl? Hmm…" Queen gestured like she was thinking but then said "There is always a girl. That's how it starts" Queen replied mockingly.

"She could be it" Tiana insisted.

"How could you be so sure?" Queen questioned Tiana to give her some concrete facet to make herself believe in her belief.

"No, we are not. But we will test her" Tiana answered high-spiritedly.

"Hmm… so, you found nothing" Queen finally answered and regrets even trying to spend her time in such a useless converse.

"Don't be so hopeless" Tiana tried her best to encourage the Queen.

"What is so special about her?" Queen finally asked. She wondered why that girl was brought again and again like we know that she is the one we are in search for.

"It's not important what is special about her; it's what she is going to do will make her very special. She is going to write another history" Tiana answered with a smirk.

"And her name?" Queen gets excited and gave a scornful smile to the Tiana.

"She is known by Sophia Blake nowadays" Tiana answered.

"Nowadays?" Queen asked interestingly.

"We don't have inclusive comprehension about her but soon someone will visit to deliver everything in person if you allow her" Tiana knew that Queen will not encourage insufficient knowledge of the subject but she had confidence in her source and she knew Queen will also fell good once she heard it.

"Is the source reliable?" Queen asked.

"Yes, the source is a Kale. The honest of all" Tiana smiled while answering.

"The worthy of all" Queen was ensured that source deserved one chance after all. "Okay… Invite her on a meal if she is a Kale but only if she is a Kale. I will listen"

"Thank you Queen Celia" Tiana replied.


Alan and Michael reached the Sheriff station when Alan noticed Sophia who seemed troubled. She was speaking to someone looking like a lawyer. Alan was baffled by the sight. He went towards Sophia to ask the reason for her presence in the Sheriff station. As he approached her, the Sheriff himself came to welcome him as he is the most important man in the town. Moreover, the Sheriff belonged to the pack and was Michael's father.

"Good morning Mr. Lockwood" Sheriff wished Alan. Sophia heard the name Lockwood and she had a very bad feeling that it must be Alan. No matter who he was, she just needs to turn around to be sure and she did and there Alan was standing in front of her. His eyes were filling of questions and she was already tired.

[How could it go more wrong? Sophia thought.]

"Good morning Maurice" Alan replied.

"Sophia what are you doing here?" Alan questioned Sophia.

"You know her?" Sheriff asked Alan surprisingly.

"Of course I do. She is my…" Alan wanted to complete his words but could not find anything appropriate.

"Friend" Sophia found the right word.

"Yes, a friend" Alan agreed with a grin.

"In that case, I regret to tell you that your friend's friend is responsible for the attack last night" Sheriff accused Diana for the blood spill at Lockwood's mansion last night.

"What attack? How could you call it an attack? If I remember correctly, no body was found" Alan asked astonishingly.

"Sir, please let us get in my cabin with your friend first" Maurice eyed around and gave the suggestion to Alan. Although he was Sheriff but Alan was Alpha, Maurice can never command him, never challenge his authority.

Alan, Michael and Sophia went inside the cabin where Sheriff Maurice started explaining things to them.

"Alpha, the blood we found in your mansion has matched to the man called Dard. He was friend with your friend Diana" Maurice answered Alan.

"We don't know him" Sophia repeated it again. She was exhausted by repeating same thing again and again. She could not understand why these things were going in circles.

"I know what you told us and may be you are right. You might not know him. But your friend, Diana did" Sheriff said it with more impact.

"Do you have any proof?" Alan wondered.

"Yes sir, we have an informant who witnessed himself Diana talking to the Dard, even threatening him" Maurice answered and Sophia was shocked hearing that. She was sure that Diana was very discrete while meeting the man or instructing him. She never went public with him. She was very cautious herself and so was Sophia.

"Why? Why would she threaten him?" Sophia asked Sheriff Maurice as she was sure that he had nothing solid against Diana.

"That's what she is going to answer. Believe me she will" Maurice was more threatening than answering Sophia.

"Okay… you cannot pressurize her to give wrong statement" Sophia stood her grounds menacing back.

"Did you find him?" Alan asked knowing the tiff going on between the Sophia and Sheriff Maurice.

"No we did not find his dead body" Sheriff Maurice responded to the Alan's question.

"How could you be so sure he is dead?" Alan wondered while asking.

"After losing so much blood, I would be dead" Sheriff Maurice replied. His words were true. He is a werewolf, has a tremendous power with astonishing capability of healing but even after that so much blood loss could take his life too and Alan understood that by the way Sheriff Maurice answered.

"One informant? That's all you have" Sophia asked this time.

"No ma'am, that's not it" Sheriff Maurice replied. "We tracked his phone whose last location was found in Ms Sophia's residence. The only thing which keeps us doubting her us the only fact that she did not denied of a house check without an order. She cooperated and hence we are trying" Sheriff Maurice answered Alan as he knew that Sophia knew everything Sheriff said.

"So much for trying…." Sophia whispered but Maurice heard her.

"You should be thankful. We did find Dard's mobile in Diana's hands making her one of the main suspect" Maurice added.

"You don't understand. We are being framed. I mean she is being framed" Sophia retorted.

"And who is framing you?" Sheriff asked in wonder.

"An enemy…" Sophia answered but regretted after the words escape from her lips. Who could she blame? Tyson? Who would believe her? Alan? Did she have any proof? No, she had nothing. She looked towards Alan who was waiting for her to reply but she decided to divert the topic as she did not have the answer for the previous statement she made foolishly.

"Okay, look I know her very well. She could not do that" Sophia said.

"Who is she?" Alan asked Sophia.

"She is Aisha's nanny. She is good in her job" Sophia answered.

"You cannot possibly suggest of her innocence just because she is good in her job of being nanny" Sophia explained to Alan.

"I could Sheriff because she is. And I do not care what you think, you have to release her. She is not a criminal to be put behind the bars. I brought a lawyer and I will bail her out. You do not have enough evidence to restrain her like this"

"But that phone…" Sheriff tried to contradict all the arguments Sophia made but Sophia did not let him have a chance. She continued with her squabble.

"That phone is nothing. A phone like that could be easily planted" Sophia debated.

"How?" Sheriff asked Sophia in order to confront.

"What how? We both were in the event last night" Sophia tried to explain.

"Yes they were" Alan agreed with Sophia.

"The whole town was there and as per your information Dard was there too. So, may be that phone came into her bag at that party" Sheriff tried to again say something but Sophia did not let him.

"No don't stop me there. She realized the presence of his cell phone only when she was searching for her own. And her phone and belongings were locked inside her car within her bag. That's when she came across the phone for the first time and that's when your officer and everyone came barging in and arrest her without letting her giving appropriate explanation for anything" Sophia was practically shouting but she did not realized that until she kept her silence after saying so much.

"I got it. I really understand what you are saying. But…" Sheriff accepted with everything Sophia said for once but there was something else she did not know.

"But… THERE IS AGAIN BUT" Sophia debated again. She was exhausted by the never ending argument.

"She has not been arrested in that case only" Sheriff revealed.

"What else you have?" Sophia asked in wonder.

"She is charged for theft, kidnapping and disappearances in the town" Sheriff added.

"What?" Sophia was shocked. She did not expect anything like that.

"This man, Dard was the man who attacked your staff week ago on the party. Your own staff recognized him" Sheriff Maurice said to Alan.

"Not only this, he has been linked with numerous disappearances around the town, all children belonging to specific community" Sheriff Maurice continued.

"A specific community… Werewolves?" Sophia said. Everybody freeze at their spot after werewolf escaped from Sophia's mouth.