The escape plan

Queen Celia was accustomed with many befallen and callous calamities on the mystic world but none has taken such a deep impact as could be seen now. She needed to find a way to come out of this as it is both her responsibility and duty towards the crown she wears and position she holds. It's both pearl and prick but imperative. She went to the magical fountain to find some way to solve her consistent predicament and there she met both the solution and upcoming problem.

"Your presence is both honor and danger for Mystic Island, My Lord" Queen Celia proclaimed when she noticed the presence of a familiar figure ahead her.

"Glad to hear that, My Queen" the person said with a smile. The man built was attractive but his presence was somewhat murky and menacing but yet convivial for Queen Celia.

"If I may ask, what brings you here?" Queen Celia asked humbly not wanting to offend the man as she was aware of his repute. He was a legend known in stories living a shady character but pronounced as God.

"Worries" the man said.

"Worries you said. Who can dare to make you worried?" Queen Celia asked over.

"Befall on your kingdom and on you, My Queen. If you wish, I can help you with that" the man offered the help Queen Celia wanted but giving something generously has never been the man's personality. There is always a cause behind everything he does and nothing is offered as gratis by him.

"You will help. You are Loki, the God of Mischief. You helping others do not match with your standards" Queen Celia made inquiries, clearly amazed by Loki's words.

"No one sets my standards. But I am not as unkind as people think" Loki replied.

"What would you be getting out of your helping disposition?" Queen Celia asked again.

"Definitely not heaven but I am God, I can't be sent to hell. Don't worry I will not ask for anything which my queen would find difficult to provide moreover asking is not approach I hold, I take whatever I want" Loki said with a scornful smile.


Sophia's POV

"This man, Dard was the man who attacked your staff week ago on the party. Your own staff recognized him" Sheriff Maurice said to Alan.

"Not only this, he has been linked with numerous disappearances around the town, all children belonging to specific community" Sheriff Maurice continued.

"A specific community… Werewolves?" Sophia said. Everybody freeze at their spot after werewolf escaped from Sophia's mouth.

I spoke too fast and too wrong and when I realized the train had passed. The word "Werewolf" had already escaped from my mouth and now I am regretting it but mostly I am scared as I am unaware of the outcomes which this incident beholds. I did not dare to look up especially towards Alan who spoke nothing. I did not dare to look towards anyone but I knew everyone was staring at me and expecting me to clarify my position especially Alan.

The mystic society has never been so discrete about its existence but threat of Hunters had forced them to live in peace by seclusion. There are very few who lives among humans posing as normal beings but most of them hide under the secrets and covert. They have been forced as the most of them have been rendered to take away from their ability to defense themselves from their enemies and hence making them defenseless and fragile on complete exposure.

Towns like Mysticburgh has become the subject of fascination for those who wonders about its realism but still there are few who remembers and some who still poses a threat to even the innocents.

I gathered courage to look towards Alan and as our eyes met, he grabbed my hand and pulled me outside and I knew I was in trouble. "A person is the architect of his /her own sufferings" Diana told me that and it was the perfect time to remember her words which were never carefully heard before. May be I should provide more attention to her when she speaks because she speaks well. I accept now.

"What do you know?" Alan asked using his Alpha tone and my god it was strong. I felt weak on my knee. I truly did.

"What… I don't understand the question" I tried to act fool but his stature was not helping me it was both intimidating and nerve-racking.

"Do not play with me. Not now" Alan was practically threatening me and I fear for my life as one can say. I was worried he might change due to his increasing aggression which could be clearly seen in his eyes which were changing their colors and were now slowly starting to glow.

"I play with no one but I do understand what you are asking" I said accepting and preparing myself to reveal something about me which I have been hiding or not telling.

"What?" Alan asked.

"I know you are a werewolf and an alpha" I admitted it as a fact.

"How?" Alan asked and I already knew what I have to say in its response but I feared for the outcomes my coming words would hold.

"Because my family had history with hunters" I announced the truth to him in the simple words I could muster at that time.

Alan was angry enough to murder me at that instant. I found no other way around for getting out of this situation. I could not lie. Not about everything. Not about this thing. I need to think about something otherwise I would be murdered more brutally than Dard and that too in a police station. I tried to think of something but instead of finding some more intelligent approach I hold his hands and looked straight into his burning eyes with rage and said "You trust me don't you. Say you trust me and let's pass this"

"I trust you" Alan said and I could see his nerve calming down.

"We will talk about it later, okay" I promised.

"Okay" Alan replied with no further questions and he went away.

I did that but I don't know how. It looked like I compelled him somehow to believe me without asking anymore questions and he did not asked anything further like I controlled him but that's not it is. Maybe there is more between us than I understand myself. But what could I possibly say to him when he asks me for lying or hiding the truth form him? May be I should have more concern for the present. Diana should be my main concern. I went to talk to her.


"What's taking so long?" that was the first thing Diana asked when she laid her eyes on me.

"It's not going to be easy for lawyers to bring you out from the cell" I told her but she did not take it easy. She understood nothing.

"What? Why not?" Diana asked as if it is the simplest thing to do. She does not have any idea why and for how many accusations she has been locked up in the cell she was standing but still she gave no interests to the facts but to herself.

"Heyy… Do not yell on me. It's your fault to begin with" I scold her clearly not wanting to be hear any of her useless statements and bear her futile tantrums at this time.

"Is it now? I was doing everything as per our interest. There were no personal agendas" Diana said as if she was proud in whatever she has said and done.

"Yeah… I believe you and see where those interests brought you" I replied mockingly.

"He was not supposed to do any harm. I never saw that coming" Diana tried to defend herself.

"But I did. And I told you to stay away from that troublemaker but you were so adamant. That is so typical of you" I accused her. I know that not everything has been her fault but involving people like Dard has always been futile and I knew it and I warned her for the same but she pay no heeds to what I said so many times at so many places. This all could be prevented but only if she had heard and believed me, if she had trust in me and my apprehensions.

"What does that mean?" Diana asked amazed by my words as if she could not believe them.

"You are always self-righteous never paying any attention to others. You never listen to me. But now no more…. of your pompous attitude and…. and snobbish behavior. You have to do and act in the way I command" I said by letting my frustration out.

"Your command? You have nothing here. We have nothing in here until you get me out" Diana shouted.

"I am trying" I retorted.

"And failing!!! Bring those black coat people" Diana snapped back at me.

"Lawyers… They are called Lawyers" I told her mockingly.

"I do not care what they are called. As much I care they can be called Liars" Diana was irritated clearly and I was founding it amazing for a second.

"That attitude of yours is not going to take you anywhere" I reminded her.

"Right now I wish to get out of here" Diana replied angrily.

"Calm down… I talked to the lawyer. He is trying but this case has gotten more warped than it should be" I told her.

"What's more into it? A dead man…" Diana said carelessly but I stopped her to continue with her statement.

"Sshhh…. Are you crazy!!!! They have not found the body yet so keep your volume down" I rebuke her in a lower tone.

"I want to be out" Diana said again.

���And you will be" I promised. As much I found her help in the cell amusing, it also adds up with my worries which were many at that moment. And no one knew how many were yet to come.

"How?" Diana asked impatiently.

"We shall have to think of some other way to get you out" I told her.

"What other way?" Diana asked with irritation.

"Diana you are being accused of kidnapping teen wolves and werewolves children. If anyone came to know that you are a witch. They might try to execute you. We can't let that happen" I told Diana for the upcoming worries I have for her.

"Then what? Should I wait for your lawyers to help me out or them to find out about me so that they can easily kill me saying an evil hunt?" Diana cried.

"No need to exaggerate. I have a plan" I told her.

"What plan?" Diana asked with interest.

"I brought you something. Take it and use it when at night when everybody is sleeping" I told her the plan.

"What's that?" Diana asked and was surprised to see what I gave her when she opened the cloth which was used to wrap something.

"A Babylon candle!!!!" I said.


Some explanation of few term and characters in this chapter:-

Loki - Loki is a Greek God also called God of mischief according to Norse Mythology. He is known to be brother of another Greek God Thor, God of Thunder. Loki is known for creating havoc, playing tricks, scheming and plotting against other Gods and sometimes he play along them. He is a shape-shifter and also referred as Trickster God.

Babylon Candle – A Babylon Candle is a famous magical artifact uses mostly by witches or in witchcraft for teleportation of one person from one place (location) to another place according to the person's will who holds and lit the candle.