'When angry, count ten before you speak;

if very angry, an hundred.'

Thomas Jefferson

_ _ _


Why do I feel so sleepy?

I opened my eyes and blinked rapidly as the bright light hit my eyes, blinding me for a moment. I pushed myself to sit up and saw that I was in a hospital ward-like room.

Where the hell am I?

My eyes suddenly landed on a muscular, perfectly tanned greek god sitting a few feet away from me. The second I looked at him, his head turned and I stared into those gorgeous sapphire eyes.

"You're awake."

His voice comes out in a huff and his tense brows smooth out. With relief?

"W-wh-what h-happened?" I asked as I put my hand on my throbbing cheekbone.

"Uh...", He starts but is cut off by the nurse entering.

"You're finally awake. How's the cheekbone?"

"Throbbing," I reply.

"Hmm...I'd take that over a broken one any day. Apart from the little bruise, which will go off soon, you're perfectly fine. Heaven knows what you were doing amidst brawling boys."

"Brawl...?"I ask and memories come flooding back to me.

Morning classes had ended and I'd gone to the cafeteria with Chole. There was a fight and...

I got hit by someone's fist?!

Before I could remember the details, my phone started ringing.


The day wasn't going as crappily as I had thought. I'd woken up before the alarm, gotten ready on time, and reached the school before the bell - well the last one was threatened by my sister, but we made it. 'New school, new us' was my motto, and hopefully, Kara wouldn't do anything to blow our cover.

My schedule was good too. First period being my favorite - biology. But of course, before getting to class, I had to get to my locker, where I surprisingly I made a few friends - who I later found out to be the popular bunch- Gavin Hunt, Ezra Warren, and Jordan Castillo. I also found that at least one of my friends was in every class I had... another silver lining.

Good things don't always last.

Just as I entered the class for the fourth period, I heard the talks.

"Hey! heard about the brawl?"

"Yeah, heard Caden and Josh were punching each other about something."

"Heard this - Newbie got hit..."

Newbie?.... Kara?! I leaned in closer to hear better.

"I heard Caden picked her up and took her to the hospital..."

"Heard? Baby, I saw it happen. Rumors are - he's still there."

"Of course he is. He isn't in any class..."

Hold up... Kara got hit and the asshole is with her?

I took out my phone and started typing furiously. Thank god I'm in the back rows.

Kara, where r u? why aren't u in class? I know we hv 4th pd tgthr so don't bother making excuses.

I waited for her reply but none came.

Katara Brooke Snow, U btr reply 2 my texts. where r u?

Nope, nothing.

I'm hearing all kinds of rumors n praying they're nt true. so u better reply...

"Mr.Snow, are you paying attention? so do you know the answer?"

Dammit. She never goes silent. She doesn't have a reason to now.

"No. Sorry."

And thankfully the bell rings. I got out of class and into the men's'.

First day and I'm bunking. Great. Thanks, Kara.

I took my phone and called Kara. Thankfully she picked up.


"Kara? Thank god! where are you? Did you get my texts?"

"Wait, hold on...I just got up."

"Got up? Wait. So you got hit? Shit! where are you now? The nurse's office?"

"Yeah...I- I think so"

"Stay there, I'm coming... and is....what was his name?.... Caden there?"

"Yeah, why?...."

I don't listen to what she says. I cut the call and rush to the nurse's office.

"Excuse me, Ms.Karp? Where's Kara?"

"Killian? Kara's in the second ward."


I enter and right in front of me is Kara, staring at her phone. Sensing me, her face turned up and I saw a purple bruise on her left cheekbone. I looked around and spotted him - Caden - sitting on the chair.

"YOU! YOU did this to my sister.", I yelled, stalking towards him.

He got up and opened his mouth to say something. Probably trying to make an excuse.

And I threw a punch.