A sister is a little bit of childhood,

that can never be lost.'

Marion C. Garretty

_ _ _


I saw Killian's fist connect with Caden's jaw with a loud crack and Caden was knocked out instantly.

"Caden!", I screamed.

Before my brother could pound Caden's face to a pulp, I got up and rushed towards him, dragging him away. Fortunately, I distracted Killian enough, he turned, locked his hand over my wrist, and started dragging me away.

"Killian, let go. I should go and-"

"I don't want to hear anything. We're going home.", he said, cutting me off.

He pushed me into the passenger seat of the car and buckled my seatbelt. Before I could protest, he sat in the driver's seat, buckled himself in, and drove off towards home. All the way home the car was filled with silence, neither of us spoke and both of us were fuming; me - because he knocked Caden out without reason and him - god knows why.

As soon as we reached home, Killian got out of the car, opened my door, and carried me bridal-style into the house and to my room.

"Killian what are you - off!", I protested as he plopped me on the bed.

"You need rest.", he said gruffly and went out, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

Having nothing to do I took my iPod, put the earbuds in, and selected a random song to play.

'Every day I wake up

I hope I'm dreamin'

I can't believe this shit

Can't believe you ain't here

Sometimes it's just hard for a nigga to wake up

It's hard to just keep goin'

It's like I feel empty inside without you bein' here

I would do anything man, to bring you back ...'

I miss you, Mallory.

I drifted off.


She was driving. Only she knew my secret. I was staring out the window, looking at the trees whizzing by.

"so... you're gonna win?", She asked suddenly.

"Of course I am. I am unbeatable."

"Yeah sure..... that's what they all thought before you beat 'em", she laughed.

"But that's what I'll keep thinking always- cuz I'm unbeatable."

"Oh Kara... If mom and dad knew...."

"Don't even think about telling them."

She started laughing and I joined in, until...


There was a loud bang and the windows broke to pieces and Mallory...



I woke up screaming. Sweat was running down my face and my hands and body were shaking. I hugged myself to stop shaking and tears ran down my face as I remembered my dream....my nightmare.

I heard people running up the stairs and the door burst open revealing dad and Killian.

"D-Dad... K-Killian..." My voice broke.

They both came towards me and Killian hugged me. I clutched his shirt in my hands, buried my face in his chest, and started crying my eyes out. Dad started stroking my hair.

"Oh sweetie, did you have a nightmare again?"

I couldn't speak so I nodded my head weakly - still crying.

"Which one -"


"Oh, darling... I'm so sorry.", he said and gave me a hug.

"I want to be alone... P-Please ... and I-I'm not hungry"

"Okay.. dinner's in the fridge if you want. C'mon, let's go Killian."

Killian nodded, pecked me on the head, and went down with dad.

I sat on my bed, my tears drying on my face. I might have moved but my past was catching up and that I didn't like.

I didn't want to think about my nightmare so taking my iPod, I put in my earbuds again and selected one of my favorite songs- Chainsmokers' Don't let me down. Hopefully, this will lift my mood up.

As the chorus came up I started to sing along...

'I need ya, I need ya, I need you right now

Yeah, I need you right now

So don't let me, don't let me, don't let me down

I think I'm losing my mind now

It's in my head, darling, I hope

That you'll be here, when I need you the most

So don't let me, don't let me, don't let me down

D-don't let me down....'

I drifted off again. Thankfully this time, into dreamless oblivion.


I woke up late in the night. I looked at the digital alarm clock. It read 1.00 AM.

As I got ready to go back to sleep, I saw a dark silhouette slinking in through my window. I raised my arm, my fingers forming a fist, ready to punch when my arm was caught.


As I started to scream bloody murder, a hand clamped down on my mouth.

"lmph mp gpf..."

"Hey! It's just me.", and the hand on my mouth was taken off.




"Surprise?... surprise?! You almost gave me a bloody heart attack, you jackass.", I said and hit him on the head with my fist.

"Ow! that hurt. I'm going back. I'll eat the cupcake myself."


"Yeah brought one for you but I guess I can have it."

"Hey! give me my cupcake!"

"Only if you apologize."

"Okay okay... I'm sorry. Now, where's my cupcake?"


I turned on the bedside lamp. Chocolate? chocolate cupcake? Yay!

"You got me chocolate cupcake?! My favorite! Thank you!"

I hugged him. Suddenly realizing what I had done, I pulled away.



"You got me chocolate cupcake?! My favorite! Thank you!"

She squealed and hugged me and I hugged her back like it was a reflex.

Usually, I freeze when someone hugs me unexpectedly. Why does it feel different?

She pulls back suddenly.

In the lamplight, I can see her face properly. Puffy, red eyes.... why has she been crying?

She devours the cupcake in five minutes.

"That was delicious."

"Thank you. You look like shit, Snow."

"Thanks. Exactly what a girl wants to hear in the middle of the night.", she says, voice dripping with sarcasm.

"No. Seriously, what happened?"


"Wanna talk about it?" Since when do I console crying girls? - Since you met her, well, saw her.

"It's not a sweet bedtime story, Caden."

"Okay. I should probably leave. It's late."

I get up and go to the window. Our windows are like 5 feet apart so I can jump from ledge to ledge. As I put one foot out, she calls me,



"Thanks for the cupcake and... sorry about my brother"

"Your welcome and it's okay."

I step out and jump to my window, get inside, and get into bed. I finally drift off to sleep around 3, thinking about Kara.