'The thing is,

I think I needed you to happen to me.'

Rachel Wolchin

_ _ _


Beep! Beep! Beep!

I woke up without a problem and remembered yesterday's events. Caden was here.....

Wait..I got punched.....Killian punched Caden.... I bunked 1st day?! Caden came here?... ugghh...

time? 7.30! I have to be at school by 8.00!

I got up hurriedly and brushed my teeth, did my business and took a bath. I toweled myself as fast as I could and not having time to choose clothes, started searching to find the proper match. In the process, I knocked my iPod dock remote down onto the floor, and by some coincidence, the song 'Toothbrush' by DNCE started to play.

'Baby you don't have to rush

You could leave a toothbrush

At my place

At my place

We don't need to keep it hush

You could leave a toothbrush

At my place

At my place....'

Oh shut up!!! 7.40, shit!!! I thought and pulled on a pair of blue jean shorts. I put on a white cami and a grey shrug. After tying my hair into a hurried but neat french plait, I swiped on some gloss and mascara on my face. Thank god my face doesn't need too much makeup..... I thought as I dabbed some concealer to cover the bruise on my cheekbone.

I grabbed my bag and put on some sneakers as I ran down the stairs. No time for breakfast! someone shoot me now!

"Killian? Where in the freaking hell are you?"

7.50 I glanced at the clock and groaned. 10 minutes. I had 10 fucking minutes to get to school. I saw a note stuck to the fridge,

Dear Kara,

I'm gonna crash @ a friend's place and I'll be going to school from there.

See u @ school.

- Killian.

I was fuming. "Killian! Where the fuck are you when I need you?!"

7.53. 7 minutes. shit!

I cursed under my breath and ran out of the house. Suddenly, I realized that I had forgotten the keys. To what you ask? - to my baby - my motorbike. What? Are you surprised? I am badass, people around here don't know is all.


I turned to run back into the house when,


I turned.


And there he was- on his bike.

"You late for school?"

"No shit, Sherlock."

"Need a ride?"

"Seriously? Thank you! you're a lifesaver."

"Hop on."

"Nice ride", I said hopping on quickly.

"Thanks, now... hold on tight."

I did. And off we went - to the hell hole we lovingly call school. - note the sarcasm.

"Thanks for the ride. I owe you one."

I thanked Caden and ran to my locker to get my books. I had one minute to get to class.

"What happened? you okay?", Chloe asked as I slid into my seat.

"Yeah I'm fine. Woke up late.", I replied just as the teacher entered.

"Bonjour les élèves! aujourd'hui, nous apprendrons à propos de ..."

(good morning class! today, we shall be learning about...)


My stomach was growling so loud by lunch that I was sure the zoo authorities would be informed of a loose tiger.

"I heard that we have spaghetti and meatballs today.", Chloe informed me in her usual chirpy way.

My stomach rejoiced. "Really? I'm starving."

We entered the cafeteria. Thank you baby Jesus that there is no brawl today! I grabbed a tray and got into the lunch line. Almost my turn..!

Five guys just cut into the line - right in front me.

"Hey! what the hell do you think you're doing?!", I almost shouted at the top of my voice - almost.

"Getting lunch baby." The blonde guy in front of me said.

I noticed familiar bronze hair standing behind blondie.


The head turned and so did the guy talking to him

"Caden?", I said.

"Hey, you know her?", blondie asked.

"Yeah. She's my sister."

"Yeah. She's my neighbor."

Both Killian and Caden answered together.

"You're our neighbor?"Killian asked.

Caden opened his mouth to answer but I couldn't be more uninterested.

"Ummm... excuse me? Move please... some of us have been waiting for our food."

The guys gave me a look, grabbed their food, and went to sit at their table with.... wait a second, Killian is sitting with those barbies?

I grabbed my food and Chloe led us to our table which was occupied with two more people- a blonde girl and a brown-haired guy.

"Hey, guys! This is Kara. Kara these are Eden"- pointing to the girl "and this is Simon" - pointing to the guy.

"Eden Kingsleigh"

"Simon Heathens"

"Kara Snow", I said.

"Oh this is good." I moaned as I started eating.

"So what happened out there?", Eden asked.

"Nothing." Both Chloe and I answered together.

2 minutes to the bell, Chloe called me.

"Kara! C'mon. We have history next. Mr.Morris will murder us if we're late."


The rest of the day went by really fast. I enjoyed P.E and soon school was done. I went to the parking lot only to remember that I didn't have a ride. Killian - that traitor - had gone off with his friends.

"Need a ride Kara?"

I turned my head and saw Eden in her convertible.

"Chestnut drive?"

"Hop on. Its on my way."


I watched her drive off with her friend while I waited, looking like an idiot. What's happening to you Pierce? You're waiting for a girl?

I got on my bike and drove off home. I have nothing better to do anyway.


"Thanks Eden. Bye!"

"See you in school"

I entered the house and found a note stuck to my door.


I will be coming in late.

Kept some money on the counter.

get food from outside if you want.

do your homework and go to bed.

you have school.

Be good.



P.S. Tell your idiot of a brother

and look after Emily.

Great. Babysitting.



"What are you doing?"


"Okay. Wanna bake brownies later?"

"Really? Yeah. Great!"

I went to my room and took a shower.

I put on some shorts and a long-sleeved grey T-Shirt. As I blow-dried my hair, I heard a wolf whistle. I looked out the window and saw Caden in only his jeans - again. I stared and my face heated up. I put my hair into a messy bun and ran down to the kitchen.


"Emily!"I called again. "Time to make brownies!"

"Coming!" She ran into the kitchen.


2 hours later the two large tins of hot brownies came out of the oven looking delicious and smelling heavenly.

"Okay. Now you can go to your room. I'll call you when they cool down.", I told Emily.

"Okay. Don't gobble them all up.", she said and ran out of the kitchen.

Since I had all the ingredients, I decided to make chicken enchiladas. I know, I'm a great cook. A hundred times better than Killian - he could kill a dinosaur with his cooking if they weren't extinct. ( Why do you think he was named Killian? lol )

15 minutes later I had everything chopped up, prepped, and ready. The brownies had cooled down so I cut them up into rectangles and sprinkled powdered sugar on top. I put some on a plate and called Emily. She ran down and started hogging them eagerly. I packed the rest in tins and kept them in a cupboard for the time being.

Just as I was about to start cooking the enchiladas, the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it.", I said and ran to open the door.

A petite woman with dark hair, blue eyes and a beautiful smile was standing there with a small basket in her hand. But what got me was the guy behind her - Caden , who was smirking at me. I remembered what happened before and hung my head - my face heating up. Awkward.

"Hello dear. We are your neighbors. I'm Evangeline Pierce and this is Caden, my son."

"Mom, we've met.", Caden said.

"You have?" she said to Caden. "Oh! this is my daughter Chloe.", She added as Chloe came running.

"Sorry, I'm late."

She turned to me. " Hi! I'm... Kara?!"

"You know her too?", Mrs. Pierce asked.

"Yeah, We're friends."

Suddenly, I remembered my manners.

"Oh! Please come in Mrs.Pierce, Caden, Chloe..."

"Thank you! and it's Eva dear."

"Come in Eva."

As we entered the house Emily's voice trailed out of the kitchen.

"Kara, Who was it?"

"It's our neighbors, come and say hi."

Emily came into view, crumbs of chocolate coating her chin.

"Who is this?", Eva asked.

"This is my sister, Emily."

"Excuse me" I said and went into the kitchen.

I took a tin of brownies and took them out. I handed it to Eva.

"I made brownies. I hope you like them."

"Oh! I almost forgot... I brought you some cookies.", she said and gave me the basket.

"Thank you."

"I think we should leave. I'm sure you have some unpacking to do."


"I'll leave Caden here to help you."

what?! "No. That's alright."

"I insist. Now bye. Caden help her.", she said and went out the room.

Only Caden and I were in the room- Emily had gone back to the kitchen to finish her brownies.

"So...shall we?", Caden asked in his husky voice.

"yeah. Emily! I'll be in my room if you need me."


I kept the cookies basket in the kitchen.

"C'mon." I said to Caden and took him upstairs.

We went to my room and started unpacking the last of the boxes in silence.

"Where should I put this?" Caden asked suddenly.

I turned around to see him holding a shirt. So I pointed at the 1st drawer of the dresser.

When I turned around again I saw him looking into the second drawer of my dresser with a Cheshire grin on his face.

Shit! My panties drawer! I realized suddenly and stepped on something as I put my arms out to pull him away. I slipped and fell just as a song began to play.

'Each time I let you stay the night, stay the night

Up in the morning

Tangled in sheets

We play the moment on repeat, on repeat

When you're standing there in your underwear

And my t-shirt from the night before

With your messed up hair

And your feet still bare

Would you mind closing the bedroom door?...."

My face was definitely beet red. I scrambled to find the remote and switched the dock off. As I got up I slipped again and this time Caden caught me. His arm was around my waist and our chests were touching. Our faces were so close, I stopped breathing. I was staring into his sapphire eyes and he leaned in so close that in one more second our lips would be touching.

I pulled away and looked at the ground.

"I-I should probably go...."

"Yeah", I said still looking down.

"Bye", he said and I saw him jump out of my window onto the ledge of his.

I went down to the kitchen to make the enchiladas.

I needed a distraction.