'My head says,

"Who cares?"

But then my heart whispers,

"You do, stupid."'

_ _ _


I can't sleep.

I keep remembering her body pressed up against me. The feel of her through that sexy little nightwear of hers...

Uggh... I gotta stop thinking about that... I look at the clock... 4.30 am. I think I'll go for a run.

I put on a hoodie and as I get ready to go downstairs I hear the front door click. I look out and see Kara, still in her nightwear go across to her house. A few moments later, the light in her room switches on and I see her silhouette through the curtains, throwing her bag somewhere and getting into bed. As the light switches off I go down, through the door, and start jogging, filling my lungs with the early morning air.

But my mind wanders off and I keep thinking about her getting back to her place. Could she not sleep either? was it because she kept remembering...like me?


I couldn't sleep at Chloe's, something was making me uncomfortable. so I got back home and slipped into my familiar and comfortable bed. But, after what felt like hours, I still couldn't sleep.

Maybe it's the 'moment' you had with Caden.

Ugh, and who is this?

Your brain.

Oh... Shut up.

That was rude.

Sorry. Let me rephrase.....Please shut up!

I checked the time. 5.00 am. I'm thirsty.. need water.

I got up and made my way to the door... thump! I heard scrambling and saw someone entering my room through the window. I didn't panic. why?- I know how to fight.

whaaat? oh please! don't be too surprised girls can fight too you know...

Ok, so I went towards the figure and as it turned I threw a punch. Hands locked around my wrists like handcuffs and I was pinned to the wall. Electric jolts went down my arms, my legs... wherever the figure was pressed against me. I was so shocked, I didn't scream. The intruder held my wrists with one arm and turned on the bedside lamp.

As the light switched on I looked up and got lost in the mesmerizing sapphire eyes of my intruder.

"Caden?" The name came out in a whisper.

"Yeah. I....ahhh...I need your help.."

"Why do you need m-..."

That's when I saw it. His face was... let's say.....not-so-Caden. His lip was busted, the area around his left eye swollen and was turning bluish-black and there was a cut near his jaw, but thankfully it didn't look too deep.

"What happened?"

"Long story."

"I'll get the first aid kit and you can tell it to me after I bandage you up."

"I -"

Before he could argue, I bolted out of the room and into the supply closet. I went up with the first aid kit and sat near Caden, who apparently thought my bed was the couch.

I couldn't do anything about the black eye, but I put a band-aid on his jaw and his lip.

"You hurt anywhere else?"

He didn't say anything but got up and took his hoodie off. I sat there gawking. He had the perfect body. Rock hard abs + bulging biceps = my intruder is mouth droolingly, jaw-droppingly sexy.

"Stop gawking at me and tend to my injuries like a good nurse is supposed to."

Caden's voice interrupted my thoughts. My face heated up.

"Where are you hurt?"

He turned. I gasped. There was a deep slash on the left side of his back and it was bleeding profusely. My body worked on its own and I was out of the room and back in an instant with warm water and a towel.

"Lie down." I ordered. And to my surprise he obeyed.

I sat beside him on the bed and started cleaning the blood and after a few minutes of cleaning the bleeding became minimum. I examined the wound.

"It needs stitches."

"Do it."

"Don't cry if it hurts baby boy."

"Just do it, doll"

And that's what I did and he didn't flinch.



"So.. what's the story?"

He sighed and started talking.

"I couldn't sleep so I went out on a run. I was near McDaren's, it's a cafe down near the theatres when suddenly some drunkards tried to mug me. Instinctively, I started fighting back, and turns out one of them was pretty good at throwing punches- hence, the black eye and busted lip." He shrugged.

"Anyway, after I crushed them only one was left. He was pretty skinny so I could take him out easy but... he produced a switchblade and started swiping the air randomly and I got cut in the jaw. He plunged again and I tried to step out of the way and the blade slashed through to my back. Anyway, I got a chance and threw a punch to knock him out. and came home. And since I couldn't wake either my mother or sister.. here I am..."

By the time he finished my eyes were wide open with shock.

"I guess I'll get back." He said. I could only nod.

As he gripped the window and tried to get on the ledge, he cried out.

"Ahh.. Oww...." and then started using his colorful language.

"What is it?"

"My wrist. I think it's broken."

"Let me see." I grabbed the hand he was cradling- his right. Electricity passed through my hand and into my body and I got a strange feeling. I pulled his hand toward me so his arm was straight out. I gently bent his wrist, he didn't react. I bent it more.


I put my hand up and covered his mouth.

"Shut up! You want anyone to come up here?"

He looked at my palm still on his mouth.

"Oh. sorry." I removed it. "I don't think it's broken, just sprained."

I bandaged that up too.

"So... guess that means I get to stay.", He grinned.

"Guess so.. but I'm not sharing my bed.", I replied and slipped under the covers.

"Pretty please... I promise not to touch you...", he pouted.

Why does he have to be so damn sexy? I groaned inwardly. I can resist. Don't melt. I sang an inward mantra. I looked back. He was still pouting. I sighed.


He grinned Cheshire style and turned off the lamp. After a moment I heard the rustling of covers as he got into bed. I felt an arm snake around my waist and I was pulled flush against his naked chest. I realized he was in his boxers - how, you ask? I was in shorts, that's how.

"Hey! I thought -"

"Shut up and go to sleep. I'm quite comfortable and I don't plan on rectifying that anytime soon."

I closed my eyes and Caden started singing in my ear...

'I'm so into you, I can barely breathe

And all I wanna do is to fall in deep

But close ain't close enough 'til we cross the line

So name a game to play, and I'll roll the dice, hey

Oh baby, look what you started

The temperature's rising in here

Is this gonna happen?

Been waiting and waiting for you to make a move

Before I make a move

So baby, come light me up and baby I'll let you on it

A little bit dangerous, but baby, that's how I want it.....'

He listens to Ariana Grande...? Why is he singing that song...I drift to sleep with a smile on my face and that night for the first time my dreams star my sexy intruder...


I don't know.