'Friendship is the start for what you call Love.'

Abraham Lincoln

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When I woke up Caden was gone. Figures.

Time?... 7.00 am Wait a second... It's Friday! Yasss!!!! That means I'm free!!!!!

I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. I was done in 15 mins and now I had to decide what to wear. I rummaged in my closet.

I came out with a white sleeveless white shirt and black shorts and paired it with a corset belt. I put on some studs and slipped on a pair of black lace-up boots. I applied minimal makeup, making it look natural. After putting my hair in a french braid, I grabbed my bag and went down for breakfast.

Let's see, what do we have..? ohhhh... jackpot...!!!


I ate my French fettuccine down to the last morsel and by the time I finished it was 7.30. I better get to school.

"Killian! I gotta go to school.... where are you???"

I saw a note stuck on the fridge.


I'm out with a friend.

Can't pick you for school.

Plz grab a ride with someone.


P.S. sorry.

God! He probably took the car. I guess I'll have to grab a ride with Chloe.

I grabbed my bag and went out to Chloe's and rang the doorbell. Eva opened the door.

"Hello, Kara!"

"Hello, Eva. Is Chloe here?"

"No. Sorry dear. She went to school already. Do you need help with something?"

"No. It's okay. Thanks"

I gave her a smile and turned around to go home and change. Guess I'll have to take my bike.


I heard an all too familiar voice call out. I turned around.

"Need a ride?"


He grinned and went into his garage. A blue R8 pulled out in seconds and I was stuck with awe.

"It's beautiful..."

"Thanks. Now, hop in."



We pulled into the school's parking lot. As we got out people started looking our way and whispering. I spotted Chloe with Eden and Simon a few cars down.

"Thanks for the ride, Caden. I owe you twice now. I'll get going."

"You can return the favor by sitting with me for lunch today."

I thought about it for a minute.

"Are you sure?"


"Ok. But only if I can bring my friends. Also, no PDA."

"Deal. See you at lunch."

"See you."

I went down to Chloe who was looking at me with her eyes wide open.

"What's with you?", I asked.

"Caden gave you a ride in his car?"

"Yeah. What's the big deal?"

"What's the big deal?! Caden gave you a ride in his car! No one gets a ride in his vehicles. Not even me or mom."

Judging by her expression, I thought better than telling her about the ride on his bike I had gotten the other day. The warning bell rang.

"We have a minute to get to class! Let's go!"

I grabbed Chloe's hand and ran toward class. We reached just in time and sat down on our chairs. The teacher entered.

"Bonjour les ����lèves! Je vais vous parle du nouveau projet que vous soumettrai la semaine prochaine. Ceci est un travail en binôme, je vais vous diviser en paires. Voyons voir ..."


As we entered the cafeteria. Chloe and I were discussing the french project. We decided that we would do it at her place today. As we grabbed our lunch and went to sit down, I remembered what I had told Caden. I looked at the popular' table. It was jam-packed. I'll give that excuse...

"Not sitting with us for lunch today?"

A voice asked. I groaned mentally. How do I tell him I don't want to sit with those bimbos?

"Hi, Caden. Sorry but that table is packed."

"Okay then. Guess we'll be sitting here today."

And by we he meant - 4 ( exclude my brother) incredibly hunky and don't forget hot 'n' sexy guys with the added bonus of cockiness and usual bad boy attitude.

They settled down and introductions began.

"Hey Chloe" They all said as they sat down. I notice my brother's ears turning a little pink. Ohhh.. someone has a crush on my BFF.

"Let me introduce you to the guys." Caden's spoke up. "This is Gavin, Jordan, and Ezra. And this as you guys all know, is Killian - Kara's brother."

They hi-d and nodded as they were introduced. I sitting between Killian and Caden. Apparently, Killian had apologized for punching him and the latter had forgiven him.

Electric jolts we're going through me where my arm touched Caden's. I couldn't focus on my food. I noticed that Caden was looking at me from the corner of his eyes just like I was him. This made a smile creep up my face. He winked. I looked away, blushing.

"Excuse me." I said and dumping my tray, I went out of the cafeteria. Suddenly a pair of hands pulled me and pushed me against the wall roughly. I came face to face with Madison. She was flanked by Tamra and Ireland who were fidgeting - a clear indication that they didn't want to be here.

"Stay away from Caden. He's mine."

I laughed. Why wouldn't I? The moment was so cliché.

"Why are you so insecure Madison? If he was yours -really yours, then you wouldn't be. You'd trust him that he'd never leave you for any other. This clearly indicates - He. Isn't. YOURS."

I removed my hand from her grip and started walking towards the parking lot.


Madison came up to me and suddenly I felt something cold trickling down my shoulder onto my clothes and dripping down on the floor. I looked down and saw a brown liquid.

"Did you pour coke on me?" I asked calmly.

"You don't know who you're messing with bitch. This is just the beginning of your nightmares if you don't stay away from Caden."

"I asked, Did. you. pour. coke. on. me?", I asked again, emphasizing each word, my hands in fists on my sides.

"Are you dumb? Of course, I did."

I punched her and her nose broke with a crunch. Her bleeding nose gave a sense of satisfaction. I was about to do it again when my arm was pulled back and I was trapped in a muscled cage.

"Leave me" I felt electric jolts go up my arms. I felt Caden's breath against my neck as he bent down.

"She's not worth it." he whispered in my ear and I calmed down instantly. I relaxed against his chest.

Why do I feel like this when I'm with Caden? what is he doing to me?

"What's going on here?" Principal Grace's voice was heard. I looked around and saw that a crowd had gathered. I freed myself from Caden's arms just as Principal Grace walked through the path made by the other students.

"You, You, and You. Come with me.", she said pointing at Caden, Madison, and me. We followed her to the office. Madison clutched some tissues to her bleeding nose. I smiled with glee.

"Now tell me what happened?"


After listening to each of our views, Principal Grace turned to Caden.

"Caden, you were a spectator this time and you did nothing to stop what happened and so you will be getting 3 days of detention starting Monday. If you miss, then you will get three days of double detention. And if you miss again you will be suspended. Is that clear?"

"Crystal." came the curt reply.

She turned to me.

"Kara, you are a new student here. But, we cannot bend the rules. so you will be getting 3 detentions. I am not being partial. This decision is only because you were provoked. I shall assume, you will be attending detention from Monday?"

"Yes ma'am.", I replied.

Then finally it was Madison's turn.

"Madison. you are suspended for a week, starting now. You provoked a student into punching you, making it entirely your fault you got hit. I have considered feedbacks from Kara's previous school in making this decision. All the teachers there describe her as patient, kind and all in all a very good student. And for you to have got punched by her, the reason should have been solid. Therefore, please pack your things and leave immediately."

"You may all leave now and Madison, I do not want to see you on the school's' premises for any reason until the week is over. Understand?"



By the time all this was over it was almost time for school to end. I was considering going home but then remembered I didn't have a ride. I'll have to wait for Chloe and the others... I huffed and leaned against Eden's car.

"Wanna grab some coffee?", Caden's asked from his car, stopping in front of me. Since I had nothing else to do, I agreed.

"But, I need to change first."

"Okay, let's go home."


I ran to my room and took off my dress and threw it into the hamper. I took a shower after I pinned my hair on top of my head so it didn't get wet. I rubbed the sticky coke from my body hastily and wrapping a towel around myself, got out.

What to wear???

I finally decided on shorts and an off-shoulder top. I put on some mascara and gloss, slipped on a pair of brown ankle boots, grabbed a small bag. Stuffing my iPhone in, I decided to leave my hair open. I went down. Caden was waiting for me in the kitchen.

"Shall we go?"

"You're done? So fast?", he looked at me, surprised.

"Why are you surprised?"

"Girls usually take an hour, when say 15. You're done in 10."

"What can I say? I'm not like other girls."

"Yeah you sure aren't.", He said under his breath, thinking I couldn't hear - but I did - and then loudly, " Let's go."

We got into the car and with Daya's hideaway blasting on the system went to McDaren's for our coffee date.

'Boys seem to like the girls

Who laugh at anything

The ones who get undressed

Before the second date

Girls seem to like the boys

Who don't appreciate

All the money and the time that it takes

To be fly as a mother

Got my both eyes out for Mr. Right

Guessing I just don't know where to find 'em

But I hope they all come out tonight


Where do the good boys go to hide away, hide away?

I'm a good, good girl who needs a little company

Looking high and low, someone let me know

Where do the good boys go to hide away, hide away?....'