
"I really thought you guys were discussing it earlier since you guys were at the meeting room."

"No, she did not tell me about it," Suji then remembered about them talking about mermaids, so she gathered all of her courage and asked Seungwoo, "Did you hear us talk earlier?"

Seungwoo did not respond right away, and that made Suji feel anxious. What if Seungwoo heard about her being a mermaid?

Luckily, Seungwoo weakly smiled and replied, "You guys were talking so seriously that I could not even hear what you guys were saying. Why? Did I miss something interesting? Hm?"

'That's a relief,' Suji thought to herself as she let out a deep breath.

"No, you did not!" As Suji replied immediately, she laughed to ease the tension, "I mean nothing at all. Thanks for telling me about our upcoming work project."